Mishka : Strange Training Method


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
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Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
When training Mishka to talk, I sit on the couch.
She sits on a towel, on my lap.
Then we start talking, says over all the words and sentences she has learnt.
The moment I say a new word, she climbs onto my hand.
I then lift my hand, her face is facing my face (beak to nose), jokes aside.
She tilts her head, showing great interest.
My hand get extremely sore and aches. :rolleyes:
I repeat the word a few times, then she tries to mumble it.
During the following day I repeat the new word, a few times.
By the following night, Mishka is saying the new word perfectly.
After learning a new word, she does not climb back onto my hand again, until a new word is mentioned.
How strange is this method !!!!!! :eek:
Is it in the evening when you do this training? I find that during the morning and day light Rosie is too wound up to sit still and listen. Best is just before bed time for us.
How cute is that! Mishka is so hilarious, you must be entertained all day long.
Is it in the evening when you do this training? I find that during the morning and day light Rosie is too wound up to sit still and listen. Best is just before bed time for us.

Her training takes place at night, one hour before bedtime.
I find this time acceptable, she has eaten, played and is so relaxed. :D
During the day, we chat, say the word or words she learnt the night before.

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