Mishka is scared - of what?


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
When returning home from the dentist today Mishka shocked me

I went up to him kissed him and asked how he was

Oh this broke my heart.....................

He said mommy I am scared, come sit here

I asked what are you scared of?

He just continued saying mommy I am scared, come sit here.

I sat with him for a good 20 minutes, chatting away to him.

Asking him again, how are you Mishka

He replied come sit her mommy I am scared.

I wonder what had happened when I was gone, Mishka was on his own.

I guess I will have to wait for him to tell me what he is scared of.

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Awwwwwwww! Mishka :(
That made me tear up.. hope the scary thing is gone now!
Your mums there to protect you now :) <3

Thanks tab_xo

I wonder where he learnt to say that, Steven and I have never said we are scared. Perhaps on the TV..........:eek:

He is sitting outside on the balcony now, chatting away to who ever will listen to him LoL

Poor baby, I wonder what scared him? Thankfully you are home, and he's not scared anymore....:)
Awww Mishka, what scared you while Mummy was out? :(

Hopefully you will tell Mummy later, then she can also let us know:)

Codie is worried and says if you cant tell Mommy then you are welcome to skype him and have a chat :)
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Awww Mishka, what scared you while Mummy was out? :(

Hopefully you will tell Mummy later, then she can also let us know:)

Codie is worried and says if you cant tell Mommy then you are welcome to skype him and have a chat :)

AWWWWW thanks Sis X & X

Mommy's laptop is playing up, can't Skype grrrrrr

Early this morning while it was raining, Mishka said to me, mommy I am scared of the boom booms, it's raining

OMG I nearly fainted........ I swear a bird can tell us exactly how and what they are feeling, Mishka is living proof of that. :grey:
maybe you can teach him to make his own 'boom booms' with a little stick and drum, lol.
btw, I love your stories :)
Aww, poor Mishka. :( It's okay now that your mommy's here! :) By the way, was it raining when you were at the dentist, or just then?
OMG, I JUST saw this thread. :eek: Spooked me to no end!!!! Is everything all right again, or has Mishka told you again he was scared (when there are no thunderstorms)???? :eek:

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OMG, I JUST saw this thread. :eek: Spooked me to no end!!!! Is everything all right again, or has Mishka told you again he was scared (when there are no thunderstorms)???? :eek:


Thanks Wendy everything is all right !!!!! ;)

Nope he only says it when it's raining, so far :22:

I drove through a bad storm on the way home, walked in the door drenched, Mishka once again said mommy it's raining, I am scared of the boom booms.
I sat with him a few minutes and "tried" to explain to him not be be scared of the boom booms. I told him the boom booms are silly billy poopalls LoL:rolleyes:
Thanks Wendy everything is all right !!!!! ;)

Nope he only says it when it's raining, so far :22:

I drove through a bad storm on the way home, walked in the door drenched, Mishka once again said mommy it's raining, I am scared of the boom booms.
I sat with him a few minutes and "tried" to explain to him not be be scared of the boom booms. I told him the boom booms are silly billy poopalls LoL:rolleyes:

WHEW! <breathes HUGE sigh of relief!!!>

Silly bily poopalls? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's hilarious!!! :D Can't wait for Mishka to say that one. ;)
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Thanks Wendy everything is all right !!!!! ;)

Nope he only says it when it's raining, so far :22:

I drove through a bad storm on the way home, walked in the door drenched, Mishka once again said mommy it's raining, I am scared of the boom booms.
I sat with him a few minutes and "tried" to explain to him not be be scared of the boom booms. I told him the boom booms are silly billy poopalls LoL:rolleyes:

WHEW! <breathes HUGE sigh of relief!!!>

Silly bily poopalls? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's hilarious!!! :D Can't wait for Mishka to say that one. ;)

Silly billy poopall coming up ...... watch this space...:grey:
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Especially for JerseyWendy with love from Mishka
Silly billy poopall LoL

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XozvPjVNkg4]BEST TALKING PARROT IN THE WORLD MISHKA - Who is a Silly Billy? - YouTube[/ame]
Did you teach it to him that fast?! or did he know it already? lol I love mishka!! He really is a special bird:)
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