Mishka and the wasp !!!!!


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
OMG my heart is beating 10 to a dozen :eek:

I am still on leave, sitting here quietly, in the lounge with Mishka, writing Mishka's book. The balcony door is open, very hot here, in the middle of summer.

Suddenly Mishka screams MOMMY, and starts ducking and diving in his cage.
I jumped up, there was a wasp, flying in and out of his cage.:mad:

I took off my slip-slop, and began swiping at the wasp. Mishka was climbing up and down the bars of his cage. Making the most weird sounds.

Thank God I managed to direct the wasp towards the balcony door, he flew out.

I checked on Mishka, he was fine.

He is now sitting on a perch saying Wow mommy wow mommy

OMG.. I would have freaked out as well :( I have a great phobia with wasps:(

I am glad you managed to get it away from Mishka.
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OMG.. I would have freaked out as well :( I have a great phobia with wasps:(

I am glad you managed to get it away from Mishka.

I can't stand the sound they make, let alone look at them.
Mishka was petrified...... he also hates flies LoL

:eek: Oh how scary! I'm SO glad you got rid of the stinging intruder. The one bug that I truly can't stand is a wasp and/or hornets. I think they truly enjoy stinging...repeatedly...like a drill that doesn't stop. :mad:

Gosh, Mishka is SO smart for calling for your help. :) I agree, I think a wasp sting might be deadly for a bird :(

Take deep breathes, Ant....breathe in, breathe out...the danger is gone...and give Mishka XOXOs. :D (If he lets you right now)
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:eek: Oh how scary! I'm SO glad you got rid of the stinging intruder. The one bug that I truly can't stand is a wasp and/or hornets. I think they truly enjoy stinging...repeatedly...like a drill that doesn't stop. :mad:

Gosh, Mishka is SO smart for calling for your help. :) I agree, I think a wasp sting might be deadly for a bird :(

Take deep breathes, Ant....breathe in, breathe out...the danger is gone...and give Mishka XOXOs. :D (If he lets you right now)

I like that Wendy "like a drill that doesn't stop" you are so accurate.
Whenever dangerous situations have happen, Mishka is the calm one, I am not. Guess he does not know the "dangers" :eek:

Immediately afterwards, Mishka continues doing whatever he was busy with.... I then pray and Thank God, it ended well. :rolleyes:

Next time try a spray bottle with just a tea spoon of dish soap and spray at the wasp or any flying insects. They don't like it at all!!!! It will kill them if they get covered with the stuff. Safer then to make a wasp mad and come after you with a stinger....I hate those things....lol.....
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Next time try a spray bottle with just a tea spoon of dish soap and spray at the wasp or any flying insects. They don't like it at all!!!! It will kill them if they get covered with the stuff. Safer then to make a wasp mad and come after you with a stinger....I hate those things....lol.....

Thanks for the tip Mike, I am going to make the solution RIGHT NOW :)


I don't have much of a problem with UK wasps, but I have a sneaking suspicion that South African wasps are rather larger - and more badass. I'm a pretty laid back vegetarian, but when I see one of the more recent hornet immigrants, I struggle to suppress a primordial urge to find a brick.... or a shotgun.
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I don't have much of a problem with UK wasps, but I have a sneaking suspicion that South African wasps are rather larger - and more badass. I'm a pretty laid back vegetarian, but when I see one of the more recent hornet immigrants, I struggle to suppress a primordial urge to find a brick.... or a shotgun.

This was the largest wasp I have ever seen OR heard. :eek:
I have already made my soap solution...... waiting for them :D


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