Mini Breakthrough


New member
Mar 13, 2012
southeastern PA
Red Bellied Parrot, Bowie; Goffin's Cockatoo, Zazu;
5 beautiful finches
Tonight Bowie started stepping up without any hesitation or "prodding". I am still using a little sandy T perch - not my hand yet, but it was like a light went on in his head and he's stepping up like it's the most natural thing in the world! Maybe big brother Zazu is a good influence although I'd rather it be that he's starting to trust me more. Maybe a little of both! I figured out a good reward for him since he doesn't seem to care for treats - foot toys! He loves them, so whenever I put him back into his cage after some "out of cage time" I give him a foot toy. He always takes it right away and starts to play with it immediately. I'm glad that the clicker training book I got went into rewarding and how it can be pretty much anything your bird really likes. I always assumed you needed to give them tasty food treats. Not all birds are food oriented I guess. Wish I was like that! *click* - excuse me it's time for a snack,,,:)
They will learn from each other. Use that by making sure that they see each other doing things, in addition to one on one training. And many birds will look for your praise & attention other than food rewards. You're doing very well with them!

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