Mickey my cockatoo


New member
Feb 15, 2012
Atlanta, Ga
Umbrella Cockatoo- Mickey
Parrotlet- Peanut
Sun Conure- Seelee
So I adopted a cockatoo a few days ago and he came to me with about a pound of food that looks like the old version of trix cerel...It was in a huge zip lock bag and I dont have a brand or anything, what would you recomend I feed him? I want to order it online now so I dont run out. :) They also gave me some mixture of pepers, peanuts, sunflower seeds, and some smaller seeds.....any ideas where I can get that?? :)

Thanks for all your help :)
I would only give seeds or peanuts infrequently as a treat. Other types of nuts are healthier than peanuts are. You might try almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts instead as a healthier treat.

What shape are the pellets? The Zupreem Fruitblend have shapes like bananas (the yellow, red and green ones), grapes for the purple ones, and little round balls for the orange ones.

There are other brands of colored pellets as well, but I'm not familiar with the shapes. You may have to go into a pet store and look at the brands to see if you can find the one that matches up.
Harrison's is also an excellent brand and the only place I've seen it sold is in my avian vet's office. There is a bird goodies catalog called Doctors Foster and Smith and they sell all brands of bird food, too. Lots of pictures, you might be able to identify what you have. DrsFosterSmith.com
We actually have a Harrison's store here locally. If I were to think about trying them I could just give them a call or go in as they're not far from my work.
I actually mail order the Harrison's as it's usually cheaper to pay the shipping than to drive my gas guzzling truck to the vets.

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