Meyers with Alexandrine?


New member
Dec 30, 2012
Pennsylvania, US
Male Alexandrine, 9 months.
As some of you who have read my posts know, I'm looking to bring a 2nd birdie into our home. My 15 year old daughter has been trying to talk me into a Meyers.... my mom's neighbor has one and my daughter thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread, lol which I'm sure he is <3. Anyway, I have been researching. I have found little info on how they respond to other parrots outside their species, (an alex in particular, haha). Also, I have read a few of you say how loud the meyers is?? I thought they were supposed to be a great "apartment bird" because they are are on the more quiet side??
My alexandrine, Max, is very good with other birds... If he's threatened by a smaller bird like a cockatiel or conure he backs off... I think the best match is a non aggressive bird, like a cockatiel..

Max might be extremely gentle with other birds/people...

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