Meyers vs Caiques vs Sun conure vs ...


New member
Oct 6, 2010
Central California
Green-cheek Conure "Mishka" - Sun conure "Calypso"
It's official: the Dude wants a bird. :rolleyes: He caught the bug from me, and the fact that I introduced him to the Sun conure at Petsmart. :54: Bad Sarah.

Anyway he seems pretty set on a Sun and admittedly I love the idea too, but I can't help worrying a Sun will be too loud for my little apartment (it would be his bird but living at my place - yes I actually agreed to this!). We're not thinking of getting another bird until at least November (we're willing to wait for a breeder to wean the baby - I love my Mishka but neither of us wants to have to hand-tame again) so I figure it'd be a great time to do homework. I've been reading up on Meyers and Senegals and they seem like really good birds. I'm drawn personally to the Meyers parrot but as it's to be the Dude's bird I'm checking out all options. Caiques and other Pionus/Poicephalus seem good options but I've little hands on experience with these birds.

I know it's general but right now my search is pretty general. Can anyone tell me about their bird or any information I should know? We'd love a cuddle-bird but also one that can entertain itself while we're at work/school. Talking is optional, we've just fallen in love with birds as companions. ;)
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I definitely wouldn't recommend a sun conure for an apartment. Unless everyone on your floor, the floor below and the floor above...maybe even a third floor down is OK with the noise. Their calls are SO LOUD! I have wanted a sun conure from the time I first got into owning a parrot but yikes can they scream!
I haven't had much experience with senegals or meyers parrots but I know they both have the POTENTIAL to be cuddle-bugs but nothing in that area is guarenteed.
Personally I think the meyers parrot is cuter than the senegal. Caiques are absolutely adorable as well!!! They are all such cutie-pies its a hard choice!
Good luck!
I've heard good things about Meyers, though I've never met one, one of my GF's friends has a pair of Caiques (man, they ARE fun, but it's like toddlers on a sugar rush!) and have little to no knowledge of senegals, but before Phoneix Rising beats me to it I'm going to go out and proselytize for the Alexandrine Parakeet :)

Now, I love my Ms. Prissy Beak, so I'm a little biased ;)

they don't tend to scream much, and my neighbors never knew I had a bird until they saw her. Alexandines tend to be very even tempered and even when frightened or angry do not tend to bite hard, if at all, which is interesting given Ms. Beak's ability to reduce hardwood toys to matchsticks in minutes. Alexandines are known to be relatively free of mental issues, are flexible, self-entertain very well and are adventerous and very interactive if well socialized. Ms. Beak isn't a "snuggle inside your shirt" kind of bird, but she loves to sit on my shoulder, snuggled up to my neck with her beak stuffed inside my ear cooing and whistling softly while getting head sritches. :D it may very well be her favorite thing next to yoghurt.

hehe, I apoligize for mudying the waters, but I'm on a huge "I love my bird, she's so awesome!" kick at the moment :)
Hahaha jawx you said it all :)

My pheonix is a total snuggle bug right now and hopefully still will be once he gets older
he is super gentle with his beak and not noisey at all ( yet fingers crossed )
he self entertains really well and is a total hoot to watch
he's just getting used to playtime outside of cage but is adjusting well
I have little kids and wanted a stable natured bird hense this was my choice

Good luck in yours
Do NOT get a sun conure if you are living in an apartment. They are very cuddly but also extremely loud. I know from owning my Nicky. My dad said he was mowing the lawn one time and he could still hear him squawking from inside the house. My senegal Gracie can be cuddly at times and she makes very cute noises. She is much quieter than Nicky and she doesn't demand nearly as much attention. I hear that caiques are number one for being the most playful parrots and I would assume that they would need a lot of attention and stimulation. Hope this helps.

A sun conure in an apartment.....ooooh my!

I taught Cal "no shout" from an early age and it's been successful so far *cross fingers for all it's worth* but when she DOES let is hugely loud.

For example, a neighbour needed to use the phone and there was no answer for the number she rang. The man she rang then rung back about 15mins later. I was in the shop alone, so I locked the door and went to tell her she had a call. While I was knocking on her door, I could hear Cal - 4 doors away!!! We all live in 3 bedroomed terraced Victorian houses!!! I didn't have a chance to say "won't be a minute" because of course, I was on the phone! So as far as she was concerned, it was ABANDONMENT!!!

She wouldn't fair well at all being left for a long time...she loves to be in the hub of the busiest part but again, it's how she's been "brought up". I'm sure if we'd have left her upstairs and not introduced her to the shop she'd have been ok.

I love my girl and sunnies in general, but if I'm being honest, they are notorious for the loudness for a reason - I just hit lucky!!!

I once read (I think it was yahoo answers or something) before I got Cal that "not many people can handle the noise of a sun conure and many of them end up being rehomed many times."

Not a nice thought :( So if there's any doubt.....
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Honestly if this was solely my decision I think I'd get a Meyer's baby from a breeder. They fit both our personalities and living situations real well. Unfortunately it really is his decision as it will be his bird (I do get a say as it's currently my apartment it's staying in however), and I feel responsible since I was after all the one who introduced him to the joy that is Sun conures. ;)

I wish there was a Poicephalus parrot locally I can introduce him to but the closest thing we have is an older Caique in a nearby(ish) pet shop and he wasn't too impressed by the coloring (namely the "pants"). Pois don't seem too common around here, and it doesn't help that it isn't breeding season. *shrug*
I am totally in love with a sun conure in a pet store as well so I know how hard it can be once you have fallen in love with a certain type of bird. Especially a brightly colouored snuggle-bug like the sun conure.
What about another green-cheek conure? Or a Crimson-bellied conure? Crimson bellied have beautiful colours. You could even go with a mutation green-cheek like a yellow sided for more vibrancy. If it is a hand-tame baby you will have a little snuggle-bug who isn't going to scream your neighbours ears out.
If he is SET on a sun conure just make sure your neighbours are ok with the noise. I have never met a quiet sun conure lol. [ame=]YouTube - Noisy Bird[/ame]
I don't know how true this is, but I was told by the breeder I had Cal from that his Jenday conures (so close to the sunnies they can breed) were a lot quieter. I've heard they aren't quite as snuggly, but the breeder I got Cal from didn't hand rear or hand tame.

Maybe someone else can confirm or deny that lol!

Still very pretty as you can see! Cal looks very much like this just now, but her yellow feathers are started to come through now of a rate about 1 a day. Growing up baby :(!!!

All I can say is, I viewed all his aviarys and Cal's parents sure let us know where they were. His Jendays....not so much ;)

WOW Beliana! That is indeed a loud Sunny lol.

Cal does this when she "lets rip" but luckily that isn't even once a day lol. She's like a little smoke alarm generally. Beep....beeep....beeeep!

When I talk to her like the bloke speaks to Rudy in the video she talks back with her tones of "hello" "thankyou" "hi Cal" "I love you" etc.

It's very possible to train them to be quiet but Cal is with us from awake to sleep time, so I couldn't say how long it would take usually!
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I gonna not comment on this one (I guess I just did) don't want poor Sarah to think I hate her or I'm out to get her :09:
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I gonna not comment on this one (I guess I just did) don't want poor Sarah to think I hate her or I'm out to get her :09:

LOL! Nah, this time it's for the Dude, I swears! ;) And I know you're not "out to get me", sometimes I need a reality check. :21:

I spent probably 45 minutes playing on-and-off with the little Sun over in Petsmart; there was NO resisting the cute little wing-flaps he made through the glass whenever I'd walk away, or walk toward him. Totally melted my heart!

Nothing's going to happen with another bird until at least mid-November anyway when the Dude gets paid. I'm trying to get him to read PFD before he gets himself his own bird, but so far he's coming up with the right responses based on his own common sense. He'll make a good parront I'm sure of it, but I just don't want to be kicked out of my apartment complex. :p
Meyer's are sooo sweet and cuddly. They're not loud. Perfect for an apartment! :)

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