Meyer's parrot wings coming back!


New member
Nov 22, 2014
Hello all!
so my little meyers wings are growing back after about a year and im planning to keep her flighted, my question is : is it normal for the feathers to cause discomfort when they are not all grown back yet? what i mean is when ever my dotty falls or trys to fly down she frantically moves one of her wings as if its not in the right position. kinda like shes waving at me and she makes a squacking noise as if its causing pain or discomfort which makes me think she broke it, but when ever i touch it or even open it from her and she doesnt really care or doesnt seem to be bugged by it at all. i also notice that when she does fall and do the stated above she preens it and looks like shes trying to get the feathers back in place like shes filing them or something which makes me thing this is ok and it just bugs her when she moves them. she was clipped since a baby and never fleged so maybe shes just not use to it?

thanks for all who reply! <3

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