Met This Little Guy, Fell In Love


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
No I didn't bring him home, lol. Venus and Buddy would make me pay but this little guy was very friendly. We went to a flea market yesterday, mainly to walk around and found this little guy. I took pictures because his body was lean however his chest was very round like the shape of a W. His feathers and beak were in great shape so based on his chest, is he overweight? He's a cutie and haven't stopped thinking of him but I think two is enough right now. Also he is 2 yo.

Also not the greatest pics, I got too close and he grabbed my phone trying to take it.


That is so cruel in that tiny cage and the perch is not big enough I wouldn't put a budgie in that he looks under weight as well can't u rescue him
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Oh how I would love to but we don't have the money to spare right now. I can say in talking to the man, he says he has a business and brings his birds to this flea market on the weekends. These cages were small and he said they are only for traveling, he had several birds in appropriate sized cages, however my radar was on alert, and no I don't believe 100% of what he said. Each bird had a clean cage, fresh water and food which was seed, he met the minimal requirements so to rescue him now would be at least $1300. Husband mentioned going back next weekend and I told him only if I could come home with an CAG, but that was mainly to keep Husband from still wanting to go to that flea. I don't want to go and know that birds are there and that CAG may be there.

Another concern I have is unknown illness. His legs aren't banded, where did he come from? I did make the man uncomfortable asking questions. Plus I have been working with Venus and her illness which she is greatly improving on, still a bit to go, but not knowing what this bird may have is concerning and dropping over $1300, could be a toss in a black hole or turn into money pit.
I see why you fell in love! I'm sorry you can't bring him home, but I understand your reasoning.

I'm happy to hear Venus is getting better.
I was holding CAG babies this weekend. They are really cute but something in the eyes keeps me from getting them. Maybe they know they are too smart for me.

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