Merlin is being a pain in Luna’s cloaca. I mean that literally


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
For the last 2 years, I think this year makes 3 Luna has been getting hormonal.
When this happens she kinda slides up to Merlin and tryis rubbing herself on him.
Merlin has never shown any interest in mating and just leaves the area.
sometimes stepping on Luna’s back and that just really drives her crazy.

But today was an all new behavior and it has me thinking I may need to separate them.
anyway here is the link.

She certainly isn't bashful! I'd say yeah if you don't want baby Amazons , probably best to separate. Does Luna lay eggs or just get hormonal?
For the last 2 years, I think this year makes 3 Luna has been getting hormonal.
When this happens she kinda slides up to Merlin and tryis rubbing herself on him.
Merlin has never shown any interest in mating and just leaves the area.
sometimes stepping on Luna’s back and that just really drives her crazy.

But today was an all new behavior and it has me thinking I may need to separate them.
anyway here is the link.

She certainly isn't bashful! I'd say yeah if you don't want baby Amazons , probably best to separate. Does Luna lay eggs or just get hormonal?
It’s not the idea of eggs and babies.
I am concerned Merlin is going to injure her biting her in her privets.
Normally Merlin just avoids Luna when she gets in the mood. This was a first, him biting her in the butt.

Merlin has Never showed much interest in mating with Luna.
it’s possible Merlin is female, I have never been certain.
Ya I could get a DNA. Test but I like guessing.
It’s not the idea of eggs and babies.
I am concerned Merlin is going to injure her biting her in her privets.
Normally Merlin just avoids Luna when she gets in the mood. This was a first, him biting her in the butt.

Merlin has Never showed much interest in mating with Luna.
it’s possible Merlin is female, I have never been certain.
Ya I could get a DNA. Test but I like guessing.
Ahh.. got it. I didn't see actual biting, so I missed that. I think that it is confusion about the situation and "his" own feelings. It may be worth the few bucks to get them both DNA tested or about $15 (as I recall) to test Merlin. Print off the card yourself and mail it in.
She is definitely hormonal there’s no missing that. My female conure, and my only female parrot does this to toys, and she often especially in spring goes to the bottom of her cage, and starts clucking in one of the corners after backing in with her tail up. She has started doing this since we got our male conure. I have always had them separate just because I don’t want babies. I know nothing about breeding, and although I adore parrots & would love nothing more than to expand my flock (I could become the crazy bird lady). I just can’t! I know I’ll bite off more than I can chew if I get another parrot. I have 3 stage five clingers as it is. They’d love nothing more than additional human interaction.
By the way your amazons are beautiful ❤️❤️

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