Meet "Stephen Senegal"


New member
Nov 28, 2013
Waikato New Zealand
Male senegal - Stephen. Previously Barry - Male Barraband
Nelson - Male Eclectus
He is here! We decided to name him Stephen although he will probably get called Steve/Stevie more commonly. I decided on the name partly after my dear friend Anansi who has been really supportive and helpful through everything this year and partly because when i asked my partner what he thought i should name him he suggested Stephen as in Stephen Seagal (Senegal. get it. get it!) haha So thats how the name came about.

Anyway he is very confident and bold! Was eating and preening on the car ride home (after already being on the pet bus for nearly 6 hours). As soon as i put him in his cage he started playing with his toys. He is very different to the other birds i have owned but he is pretty cool =D His step up needs work and he thinks its perfectly fine to fly onto my head! He is very beaky but he isnt gentle about it and its rather quite rude. He is rather opinionated too. Any tips on dealing with that would be great! Both Nelson and Barry were so gentle. Im sure i will be seeking out your help with a lot over the next few months, if not a lot longer =D

Anyway here are a couple of pics! I havent had a chance to get some good ones yet, its been less than 12 hours :p

His cage (before i added the final few natural wood perches)

Trying to keep the little brat entertained when he decided to sit on my computer... After throwing a few toys back at me, chewing on my laptop and then biting a little when asked to step up i decided it was a good time to try to get a couple of good "step ups" and then put him away again.

I love that!! Our friend Stephen must be SO honored!!:D It's one of those names which works well with both humans AND animals. Unlike Julie lol :confused: though I've heard of two birds with my name!

Anyway, I have to say how cute and handsome your new little Stephen is! He has the dark eye ring... I've seen some Poi's with it dark, and some with a light one, and I read that the dark or black skin around the eye means it's been exposed regularly to the sun (outdoors).

Male Poi's are feisty... Stereotypically, it's the Senegals, Red Bellied, and Jardines who have a "macho" and assertive attitude! Poi's vary, but if you start working with him while he's still young, you might get a real hands on cuddly kind of bird, who will maintain his independence as well. You will just love having him! :)

I find that teaching a young bird the meaning of the word "gentle" is a good one.
I once learned this from a well known Eclectus breeder. The way I did it with Raven was putting my finger by his beak and saying 'no biting, gentle, gentle'... start toning your whole body language down and look really calm, relaxed and slow, and then quiet your voice down, and keep saying gentle, gentle... If he starts with the biting, say firmly no, then pause, and go back to the 'gentle'. He will start to get what you mean. Raven showed me that he learned what it meant right away. When he chose to ignore it, he wouldn't get to come out right then. Break training down into small steps and praise every moment that he does it right, or doesn't do what you don't want him to.
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He is sooooo sure of himself! Met the dog and cat and couldn't care less. My parents are visiting and he is right at home trying to steal food from everyone. He is an amazing flyer. Hovers and turns on a dime.
Aww! On behalf of myself and the ever squinty Steven Seagal, (Senegal. That's pretty good, actually! Lol!) thank you for naming your bold and confident new fid after us! I'm honored.

I agree wholeheartedly with Julie's post. It sounds like your guy just needs some bite pressure training. The technique Julie mentioned with the tone of voice definitely works. It's part of the method I used with Bixby. And we've gotten to the point now where he never draws blood, and if his playful beaking even approaches discomfort, all it takes is a gentle reminder to "be nice" to reign him back in.
The other method I used with Bixby is the wobble technique. But now that he's pressure trained, it's rarely necessary.

Sounds like Stephen is quite the character, Sophia, and so well socialized! It took quite a while for you to find the right bird, but I get the feeling that he was worth the wait, my friend. I'm so happy for you.
Beautiful sennie! Julie is exactly right. I have both male and female and the male is more playful, more boisterous and more pinchy parrot. They are both extremely beaky, but my hen is a lot more gentle about it.
Congrats on Stephen! He has very beautiful colorations, and it's always better to have a confident and 'boistrous' bird than one who scared of everything. I bet Stephen will be a wonderful bird:)
Congratulations on getting Stephen! He is so beautiful and looks like a character:) Great name choice, btw, great choice! Named after a wonderful guy, and a pun thrown in as doesn't get any better than that!
Congrats! He's absolutely gorgeous, I love the colours on him :) I definitely giggled when I read Stephen Seagal, and it reminded me that if Avery was a male I wanted to make her Sean O'Conurey. But Stephen is most definitely an excellent name! ;)
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Thanks guys I'm loving him! He is so brave. Happy to visit anyone and even my dad loves him and he isn't a bird person at all. He has just made himself right at home . Loves his toys, loves his pellets although his chop might be another story but we'll see.

@dinosrawr- Sean o'conurey is hilarious! !
I definitely lol'd when I read the thread title! XD
You definitely picked the perfect name for him. Given his personality and all too! You're going to have one awesome bird if he really lives up to his namesake lol!

He's a cute little guy though. Congrats! c:

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