Meet Sinbad


New member
May 10, 2015
Gallatin Tennessee, U.S.A.
Mr.Man (Congo Grey/17 year old)
Sinbad (Senegal/ 40+ year old)
Dewey (Senegal/ 13 year old)
Hello all!
I would like you to meet my little buddy Sinbad. He was a wild caught that was given to my Mother 27 years ago. He was 20ish at the time.
Sweetest little guy you'll ever meet. In his old age, he has developed arthritis in his feet and has also gone blind in his right eye. He's starting to lose sight in his left eye also. Still happy as a clam!
We no longer clip him or do anything else that will stress him out. He has had the strength and courage to outlive his natural lifespan by about 17 years SO, whatever Sinbad wants, Sinbad gets!


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How amazing! He is obviously really well cared for and loved :)
Sinbad, I am delighted to meet you! Welcome to the forum, you handsome senior Senegal!

Mike, thank you for sharing Sinbad's journey and the adorable photo.
Congratulations to Sinbad for such a long and continuing run! Hopefully keeping on going for many more years to come.

And I looked at my little monster, trouble causing, exasperating Sennie and think to myself, "There could be 40 more years of him?!! Sure hope so!"
Wow, that's wonderful. You're right, he is much beyond the average lifespan even for a well cared for Poicephalus. Makes me happy to see :). He still looks so.... young. :D
He's beautiful. What a remarkable life he's had, to be surrounded by the same human flock for so many years. May all our birds be so fortunate. Thanks for sharing him and his story with everyone. He's a testament to how good care can mean so much.
That's awesome! Here's to many more!
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Rest in peace my sweet little Sinbad!
I'm an heartbroken to announce that my almost 50 year old Senegal Sinbad had to be euthanized!
While doing my morning check on "The Kids" the other day, it was very apparent that little Sinbad was in respiratory distress and had finally reached the end of his very long, happy life.
I held him in my arms crying like a baby while he was put to sleep.
He will be missed but his ashes will remain with us forever.
Oh gosh Mike, I am so very sorry to hear about your loss of Sinbad. You have my deepest condolences. He had a wonderful life with you and your family over the years. You will always have the sweet memories of your much beloved Sinbad.

I'm very sorry to hear about Sinbad's passing. Your little friend left this life with much love and the richness of so much time spent on this earth. He will carry it forward with him and you carry forward the memories of such a special soul.
Rest easy little eagle.

You n your mom did a great job, and you did the right thing by him.

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