Meet.. Mink!


New member
Mar 30, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Mink (♂ GCC)
Hello everyone!

A short while ago, I made a post about inquiring about things for my future Green Cheek. I got everything that I(and the little one) could possibly need. I went and settled for the HomCom cage, which was MUCH bigger than I expected. Last Thursday, I made the three hour drive to the Breeder - and met three potential featherfluffs. I was shown the older one, then introduced to two siblings who at first, seemed a bit shy. One of them then took a leap onto the breeder's hand, and sat there. It sat there through the wing-clipping, and sat there through the whole process of introduction. When it was handed to me, it sat on my hand at first - but then took off about five times. After the little "energy bursts" were gone, the little one sat there on my hand for about an hour straight, just listening to me and examining me. Afterwards, the little one was brought back down into the bird room and was given a secondary clipping for good measure. A nail and beak trimming also took place, as was a nail clipping for DNA sexing purposes. The -entire time-, the little one just laid there gently held in the towel, accepting what was going on. Afterwards, I was given a 1lb bag of the pellets that the little one was raised on, and was given even more thorough information. The entire visit, I was being given tips, experience stories, shown proper handling, etc. A lot of it I knew from researching, but it made me feel a lot better to be given a hand's on experience. The breeders in general were very friendly, and I can wholeheartedly say that I would recommend them!

The trip home was a bit of a heart-stopper, as the fog was literally thicker than gravy. But the entire way, the little one stayed on its perch and just watched, or slept, or even threw a tantrum when I was eating(despite having its own food!) When we got home, I spent an hour introducing the little one to my bedroom, and then, its cage(much larger than the one it was in at the breeders). Right away, it took to its environment and settled right in. Not long after, it was sleeping peacefully. Ever since then, this little one has come right out of their shell. From being very shy and a bit nippy, to completely friendly and affectionate. I could not ask for a better feathered companion, and really look forward to growing alongside it.

Today, I got a call from the breeder with the DNA results of the gender. And, just as I was hoping for.. A boy! My family and I all guessed a boy right from the start, for the total personality that the little one has. But, I had times where I thought girl for the silly sassy moments. In the end though, I am simply honored to be able to own one of these little guys, and more so - be looked to as a part of his "flock". Already, he is very clingy with me and enjoys being itched, being fed from my hand, and simply being talked to. I had an entirely different experience in mind, but he has shown me one that I could not of ever imagined. This experience so far has been amazing, and I can't wait for many more silly, cherishable moments to be had.

A vet appointment for a thorough check over will be done this coming week. And hopefully, I can contact the breeder in regards to an estimate, or exact date of when the little guy was hatched.

So, for the long awaited moment.... Meet Mink!!
In Order: Wing/Feather Details, Playtime with Smiley, First "Outdoor" Adventure, Playtime


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Very awesome!
FYI, NOW, start harness training! Since he is so accepting at the moment, you may get away with what is for many of us, a real pain!
Congratulations, Mink is a very handsome boy!!
What a handsome little boy! He sounds like such a nice birdy! Much better behaved than my two little dragons, lol.:rolleyes: You will wonder how you ever lived without birds in your life ;) I know I do!

I have to agree with Flboy, now would be a good time to start harness training!
Mink is so beautiful! That's a great picture with the feather detail:)
My conure also has the cage you got Mink and he loves it!
Please keep the pictures coming:)
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Thank you so much everyone, he really is a handsome little guy!
And I will definitely look in to beginning harness training! :)
Congrats to you and Mink! He's a very handsome little guy! Can't wait to see more pics and updates!

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