May I introduce you?


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2014
South Africa
Congo African Grey
First meeting of Iago the CAG and Peep the GCC after Iagos quarantine.

Iago knows he is magnificent, Peep is wondering who in the heck is hanging out with Mom and Dad?

Peep a bit GCCish (cheeky and bossy) while Iago was like, what's all his fuss about?

Won't ever allow them to play together alone. Don't know if they'll ever play together but at least there was no aggression at this meeting...

But darn it they are so cute!
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How sweet! What a cute photo of their first hello! Beautiful babies!
What an intense stare down, With the cutest and most adorable expressions :D
My CAG used to torment my conures. Similar to what he did with my sister's cats... He would just mess with them.

He never hurt them, or even tried to, BUT he realized early on that he could chase them around the room, or hang upside down from the door of their cage, and "trap them" inside...

It was a game to him, but not one the conures were especially thrilled to play.

They ended up having their own separate area of the bird room... for exactly that reason.
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Today my gcc fluttered over the Iago's (CAG) cage. He then helped himself to some dinner out of Iago's dish. Iago kind of looked over at him (he was on my arm at this time) and looked at me as if to say, "What does that joker think he's doing?" All the while the gcc stood big and proud of himself. Iago seems to humor him so far. I just had to laugh - but will keep my eye on these two.
LOL at your little GCC acting like such a little boss! That Iago sure sounds like a gentle bird, and that pic of them is SO CUTE. They are both very pretty birds! when I introduced my 2 GCC's, they both puffed up and attacked each other like fighting roosters. They are bonded now though...GCC's can sure act bratty sometime, lol!
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Here's the pic I snapped, so luckily, when Peep went visiting...
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