marley is home now


New member
Mar 19, 2014
picked marley up at the airport Thursday. we got there to pick him up and they lost him. they put him on the wrong plane so I was there waiting for 4 hours to get him. he talks already says about 15 words. says pretty bird the most. wont let me post the pick of him with his harness on but it on the breeders page on facebook. here her facebook page Breeding Dreams Ranch
The airport LOST your bird?!:eek::eek::eek: Even if he arrived safe and sound, I would have had more than a few choice words to say about that:54:!

Glad he is home and settling in. Hope you can post pics soon. There are several threads explaining how;)
Wow:eek: that sure is a BIG mistake!! I'm glad things are fine. Marley really sounds well adjusted already! What kind of bird?
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the lady at the counter was 8 months peg. so I couldn't give her the choice words. I did learn not to use united airlines there was 4 people there that they messed up on that day. I even checked the air bill number before I left and it said he was on his flight and I got there they even said he was on that flight till it landed. once it land it changed and they didn't know where he was for 2 hours then they found him on a diff flight. they also lost a 6 week old puppy and sold a kennel to ship a dog that was to small and would refund the guys money. he had to make his wife sit outside cause she was going off.
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wont let me post pic says im at my limit
Good to know... Delta Airlines Pets First program is the more well known one in the industry (shipping pets) MOST breeders will use Delta. NEVER had a problem with them. It's so easy.

Anyone reading this, please don't let this experience deter you from getting a bird shipped. Ask the breeder if they use Delta.

Of course this may have more to do with individual human error with a particular employee (who screwed up big :eek:), and might not be a reflection of the company in general.
the lady at the counter was 8 months peg. so I couldn't give her the choice words.

It wouldn't have been the person at the counter I would have complained to. Their corporate offices on the other hand would have gotten a VERY unhappy call later though. Obviously if multiple pets went "missing" somewhere along the line, a policy needs to be changed and/or employees who made the mistake reprimanded so it doesn't happen again. The help desk person has no control over that, but corporate does.

But the good news is, Marley is safe and sound where he belongs:)
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wont let me post pic says im at my limit

Why not try Photobucket? It's very easy. I have iPhone and iPad and have the Photobucket app. You can also sign up at the Photobucket website if you use a regular computer.
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they were nice at the desk gave us a number to call which I did. all they had to say was sorry and sometimes things happen that they cant help. all that really maters is he made it safe just took a lot longer then should of. is there a way I can take my old pic off so I can post new ones?
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here is a pic after he was showered and on his harness


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