marking territory?


New member
Oct 12, 2015
Barraband parakeet / superb parrot
So, I recently got my first bird ever (!!), a barraband parakeet. He's only almost 5 months old and havn't been really handled, he's just been outside in an aviary, so he's still in the whole "taming-process". He really seems to love it here, havn't shown any signs what so ever on being unhappy, he loves to fly in and out of his cage, sing, talk and makes these adooorable squeeks when he's really happy! But the other day he started screaming so loud when he sits in the window and see random birds flying outside (like crows and etc), and he does that from time to time. At first, I thought he was just trying to be like "hey guys! Look I'm here too, can you hear me?". But then I noticed that he's been starting to rub his beak against everything in my room, which kinda made me start thinking, is he marking his territory? Is it more a "hey guys, this is my home and you're not allowed to be here" kinda scream? I'm just confused :confused:

[ And before anything else is said, yes, I have him as a alone bird since I do feel like I have the time to be his best friend, I only work 7 hours a week total due to medical reasons and those few hours I'm away I put on a movie which he seems to enjoy. He's still just a baby, but really doesnt seem to mind being just him, that means he gets all the food for himself (and trust me, he looooves food). :greenyellow: ]
Sounds like you have a sweet keet who is king of all he surveys.
My older gentleman keet has tried to "communicate" unmelodiously
with birds outside too, and I'm glad this has slacked off. But beak rubbing --
does your keet gnaw when he rubs? I would love to know more about this
as my young upstart Artoo has been doing a lot of this and screeching
in his cage. Is this also a hormonal behavior?
This sounds like two very normal but separate behaviors. Screaming at the wild birds could be flock calling since he was in an aviary, but it is also very likely to be more of an alert "HEY LOOK OUT THERE ARE BIG BIRDS OUT THERE DON'T LET THEM EAT YOU!!!"

Beak rubbing is a normal beak maintenance behavior. Beaks never stop growing and your bird has to chew and rub his into tip top shape :)

As for Penny, budgies are some of the noisiest birds out there, and sometimes they scream out their pleasure. Look around for anything that might be making him unhappy and watch his body language, but he could just be celebrating being a bird.

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