Mango The Therapy Bird?


New member
Oct 13, 2012
Guelph Ontario
1 red bellied parrot (Mango), 3 cockatiels (Bugsie, Alfie, and Bananas)
I had company for New Years including Mike, a friend of the family who suffers a muscular disease and is quadriplegic. He is in an electric wheel chair and requires a ventilator as he cannot breath on his own. He is really quiet, but his chair makes a lot of noise, and at first Mango was afraid of it. I felt bad because Mike was really fond of him. He may have a physical disability, but Mike is very smart and so it was easy to explain that the chair is new for Mango and that it might take some time for him to get use to it. Mango loves company, he is a total social butterfly and as long as he can see me he just goes from person to person chattering away and showing off his acrobatics. He can be nippy though, and goes for jewelry and hair. He was getting pretty full of himself and I was beginning to think he might need some quiet time when he jumped over to Mike. I waited to see what he would do, nervous that he would want to bite all the tubes and wires for the chair and ventilator, but Mango just puffed himself up, cuddled into Mike and stayed there for several hours. Needless to say Mike was thrilled and wanted loads of pictures. Mango was so gentle, he gave some kisses, cuddled close, and talked quietly in his ear all night. It was like he knew he had to be careful with Mike! So proud of my little guy! If we can get permission from the facility Mango is going to visit Mike on a regular basis. Animals are so amazing.
That is so sweet. are their any pictures you can share:)
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Ill ask Mikes permission. I dont like to share pics of other people without discussing it with them first.
Awwww that was so touching, Mango sure understood that there was somthing wrong with Mike.

On the morning my mom passed away, Mishka sat on my lap solidly for two hours, he never mumbled one word. Believe me that is NOT the Mishka I know. He cuddled into my blouse, as if he were giving me hugs.
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Mike and Mango


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One more pic


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What a sweet and beautiful bird Mango is! He seems so calm and relaxed. So precious! Like a little angel :21:
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What a sweet and beautiful bird Mango is! He seems so calm and relaxed. So precious! Like a little angel :21:

Mango is all attitude, and he can be a very saucy boy. He has his moments of sweetness, and I absolutely adore him, but aside from this situation I wouldnt call him an angel. Mango is the first one into trouble. He has found his way into a cherry pie, a butter dish, and a bowl of whipped cream just to name a few. He is super active and hes pretty sure the whole world was put here just for his amusement. He has a very naughty sense of humor, and its all we can do to keep up with him. If hes quiet, we are worried! If you get between him and whatever he wants (everything) he isnt afraid to use his beak. He somehow knew he had to be careful with Mike, and it was a really wonderful surprise. I still cant believe he didnt try to chew all that equipment. It was all colorful and bright, and right there for him to play with. What a bird!
Its strange, but I believe they can sense something different about people... Starburst is very good with special needs kids, so we've found out... we watch closely, but he loves cuddling with them. He even appears to key on when epileptic people are going to have seizures... I'm not kidding...

He flew on my nephews shoulder and went ballistic...squawking and throwing a fit. Then a few moments later, he had a seizure... coincidence?? I thought so, but a week later he did the same thing...

Also, Starburst is my "calm" .. if the world gets hectic and stress goes up. Petting him and talking to him is what calms me down... he's a special little bird..
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Its strange, but I believe they can sense something different about people... Starburst is very good with special needs kids, so we've found out... we watch closely, but he loves cuddling with them. He even appears to key on when epileptic people are going to have seizures... I'm not kidding...

He flew on my nephews shoulder and went ballistic...squawking and throwing a fit. Then a few moments later, he had a seizure... coincidence?? I thought so, but a week later he did the same thing...

Also, Starburst is my "calm" .. if the world gets hectic and stress goes up. Petting him and talking to him is what calms me down... he's a special little bird..

I totally agree with you. Animals have a sixth sense about these things. I have the most psychotic thoroughbred in the world. She would buck me off just as soon as look at me. She can be a real beast when she gets in a mood. When I have a bad day she knows it. She is like a different horse, soft and kind. She literally chased away an ex-boyfriend, and then he attacked his next girlfriend and physically abused her. Dogs, cats, birds, they are often wiser than us.

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