Mango on an airplane


New member
Oct 13, 2012
Guelph Ontario
1 red bellied parrot (Mango), 3 cockatiels (Bugsie, Alfie, and Bananas)
Hey guys,
Im just wondering if anyone has flown on a plane and brought their birds? Ive found an airline that will allow me to bring Mango as a carry-on with a specific carrier. We are heading to Ontario from Alberta for our wedding (3-4hr flight), and since we will be gone for 15 days I am not comfortable leaving him alone for so long. I left him with my aunt for a weekend once and he was devastated. Im really just wondering what people's experiences are, and what people did to prepare for this? I really dont think he will be too upset, he loves the car and he has been out to visit other people at their houses. As long as he has a place (cage) to go, and as long as we are with him he seems to really enjoy travelling. This is much longer though, and I can just imagine the reaction of fellow passengers listening to Mango, "Peekaboo! Good boy! C'mere! I love you!" for 3-4 hrs. I personally would choose this over screaming children, but if he is stress he could start to really holler.

Thank you!
gosh, I have no idea....
I was going to suggest some trial runs inside the airport, but that would cost you parking $

it's not like you can sit on a plane and practice.
the noise and change in air pressure might affect Mango, that's the only thing I can think of.

sorry I can't be of more help.....did you say YOUR wedding??
I never have done it, but obviously Gilbert was shipped to me, on a plane.
The carrier makes it fairly dim and I think without much to do, in a dimly lit, small carrier, they are generally not noisy. Do you already have the carrier? You could maybe see how he behaves in it in general. I use Gilbert's plane carrier for car rides and he doesn't really love it but he is fine.
I know my birds have always done really well travelling. I expected them to be freaked out but they weren't.
If it doesn't work out, do you have anyone who could watch him in your home, rather than leaving him at your aunt's? He would likely prefer being with you but if that isn't doable, maybe staying in his own environment, with a care taker would work better.
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Yes, Dave and I are getting married August 31st. Mango has actually been on a plane, although he was sent as baggage:mad:. He was bred in Ontario and his previous owners "ordered" him for their young daughter (who promptly lost interest and decided she wanted a cat instead :(). He will probably remember this experience and I expect him to be anxious. That said, whenever I expect anxiety from him he ends up totally fine. He is so outgoing, and he is very confident when he knows we are close by. the carrier is designed for flying, everything is soft and it can be closed right up so they are in the dark. I think for the airport and security he will be closed up, but on the plane Ill open a window (screened) so he knows we are right with him.
Feed him very lightly the day before the trip, and I mean a small breakfast and not much else. Then just before you board the plane give him lots of treats that will take some time to munch through. Millet and apples would work great for this. He will be hungry and hopefully takeoff will not be noticed as he feeds his face, then after a large meal it will be nap time. Good luck!
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This is a great idea He really like nuts in the shell (pistachio, pine-nuts, almonds, and walnuts) and he loves nutriberries. He usually gets a very limited amount of these in his diet, but I think I will give him a good supply before we take off. He is fully flighted, so Im worried about opening the carrier, but Ill have Dave to help. I can just imagine a panicked bird flying around an airplane :eek:

Feed him very lightly the day before the trip, and I mean a small breakfast and not much else. Then just before you board the plane give him lots of treats that will take some time to munch through. Millet and apples would work great for this. He will be hungry and hopefully takeoff will not be noticed as he feeds his face, then after a large meal it will be nap time. Good luck!
Just shove them through the bars a bowl is just something to be possible banged around if there is a issue,
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Just shove them through the bars a bowl is just something to be possible banged around if there is a issue,

Ha! Ya he already does this at home when Dave is trying to sleep (hes been working nights). I didnt want anything heavy in the carrier anyways just in case there is turbulance or something and he gets tipped/shook. I wouldnt want a dish to be sliding around or even hit him.
He'll do alright Megan.....if you plan to have anything in the cage with him, you might want to touch base with airport security about how they want to handle his travel don't want to open it at the security counter.....

If he likes oranges & grapes, I would go to your nearby Lowes or other hardware that sells stainless steel picture hanger wire, get a small package & tie several grapes & a couple of slices of orange to the cage bars.....serves as both treat/snack and liquid during the flight.....

Congrats & good luck.....
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Im not allowed to have any metal in the cage aside from the screening that is part of the carrier. He does like oranges though, Ill have to figure out a way to hook those up. I will definitely be contacting the airport to make sure we are set up properly. I was worried about water because you cant take fluids on the plane, but they serve water once we take off, so I was just going to give him some at that time.
You can zip tie (plastic) fruit to the sides. I would not worry about water for a 4 hour flight as long as you have juicey fruit.
I've flown with my Quaker. :) After take off, I took him out and gave him some of my water they gave me and fed him some stuff I brought. He was happily sitting with me the whole time. I'm sure h'ell do great!! Haha I took my Quaker as carry on, by the way, too.

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