Mango has a brother


New member
Nov 3, 2015
Sun Conure
Quaker Parrot
Just to update that Mango now has a brother. He is a 2 months old male Blue Quaker. I posted these pics in Quaker forum too. They both kept in different cage but side by side. I found out that Mango is making less call contact now. This picture taken today is from their first play date. I can summarise the experience as "cautious but curious".



ps. I can't edit the Title: accidentally typo. It should read "new brother" ><"
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Congrats! We got a second bird recently as well and have had some of those play dates... Quakers are great, too! I didn't know there was a blue mutation. Lovely boys!
I'll correct the typo in the title :).

I love seeing pics of the blue Quakers, they're so pretty. I've never seen one in person though, since Quakers are illegal here. I've seen some greenies nonetheless.
so cute <3

I would love to get another parrot, but am really afraid that my sun would hate him as she is reeeally like ''you are mine'' (well she likes my mum and grandpa alot too, but I'm her nr.1) and I don't think she would accept anotner parrot, much less seeing them being cuddled by me... :(
Can I just say how adorable Mango and his new bro are? They really compliment each other wonderfully. Mango with the yellow and green and Poki with the blue and white.

Your sunny is still relatively young, so you made a wise choice getting another bird now versus in a few years.


I hear you there. I've thought about getting another conure, a green cheek, as I'm not really a 'one bird' person. I haven't had only one bird since I was 11. I've always had at least two, so it does feel a bit empty here. But I know Skittles would never go for it. He doesn't like sharing me with inanimate objects, so it's out of the question for me, for now. :(

Suns don't really like sharing their owners with anyone, let alone another bird. So it has to be done carefully. If I owned my own house, getting another bird wouldn't be a problem, but I live in an apartment complex and have a small apartment, so I have to take noise into consideration too. Luckily, Skittles is now a quiet bird though he wasn't always. He used to be a big time screamer! He gave Jamie Lee Curtis a run for her money.

I hear you there. I've thought about getting another conure, a green cheek, as I'm not really a 'one bird' person. I haven't had only one bird since I was 11. I've always had at least two, so it does feel a bit empty here. But I know Skittles would never go for it. He doesn't like sharing me with inanimate objects, so it's out of the question for me, for now. :(

Suns don't really like sharing their owners with anyone, let alone another bird. So it has to be done carefully. If I owned my own house, getting another bird wouldn't be a problem, but I live in an apartment complex and have a small apartment, so I have to take noise into consideration too. Luckily, Skittles is now a quiet bird though he wasn't always. He used to be a big time screamer! He gave Jamie Lee Curtis a run for her money.

like I would read myself haha... we always had 2 budgies at a time, jsut not for the last 6 years... I now have Sunny 4 years and yeah... I'm a more parrot person, but she is a one parrot bird... she does find it ok to share with my mum and grandpa, but is jealous even at my boyfriend, does tolerate him though... and I feel you on the appartement - wer live in one too...

I do need to ask you how you managed to get him so quiet... mine is a LOUD one sometimes, the best bird one moment and the loudest screeching monster the other, especially when the Diva thinks that she isn't getting enough attention and her ''let me out of the cage!!! NOW!!!'' marathon... o_O ugh...
I have found that 'positive reinforcement' works so much better than any other type of training, IMO. If you yell at your bird, it isn't going to work. If anything, it may make them screech more.

Using a firm "no" or some other term DOES work when it's done properly (by that I mean consistently whenever the bad behavior occurs). Also, in consistency, using positive reinforcement. Saying things like 'good birdy' in a soft voice and providing a treat works wonders.

The most successful way to limit the screeching is by figuring out WHY they are screeching. Then, address that. They don't screech incessantly for no reason. They are trying to tell us something.

Skittles only screeches incessantly when one of the following is occurring - 'foreign item' is in proximity (to address that, I use a soft voice saying 'its okay' and show him the item so he can see it is NOT a threat). He will also screech when someone knocks, the phone rings or the doorbell. That's his way of 'warning me'. It stops shortly after, when the noise stops.

By observing him, I was able to link certain behaviors with certain things. For example, when he wants a bath, he sits on the faucet, shakes his feathers and sneezes. When he wants juice he will fly over to the top of the fridge. When he wants a treat, he flies over to his treat bag.

I then respond to him by completing the task.

Here is a 'juice example'. You can see he is waiting patiently knowing he will get his juice.

[ame=""]Skittles wants juice! - YouTube[/ame]
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New photos! They have bonded, took less time that I anticipated. :D Now I am a bit worry that their new relationship will have negative impact on the bond between me and the individual birds, particularly in regard of training. They are still living in seperate cages, just next to each other, and only during playtime an hour a day they met and preened each other (and ignored me :(), hope that's okay.


Curious, did these two come from the same breeder? Or place?
I think 'limiting' their playtime 'together' to only an hour a day will help prevent you from losing your bond provided that you spend more than an hour a day interacting with them 'separately'. Not sure how that would affect their bond with each other if one sees the other with you. That would be a concern as well.
aw they at lovely.. Very cute
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Curious, did these two come from the same breeder? Or place?

Hi Monica, they came from the same breeder.

I think 'limiting' their playtime 'together' to only an hour a day will help prevent you from losing your bond provided that you spend more than an hour a day interacting with them 'separately'. Not sure how that would affect their bond with each other if one sees the other with you. That would be a concern as well.

So far so good. I don't think I have lost any bonds with either birds or them between each other. I might be worry too early. Yes, I notice there's jealousy sometimes, but not often. I try to give each of them equal attention. They both love to snuggle my neck when both are on my shoulder at the same time, then they preen each other, but "always try to include me somehow". Also, I notice that one tries to learn from other. For example, my Quaker was not originally a cuddly bird. but seeing my Conure loves to cuddle me, he now becomes a lot more cuddly, even often seeking my hand and rub his head.
Glad to hear they came from the same breeder! Both are gorgeous!

And yeah, many birds tend to learn from each other! :) Monkey see, monkey do! It's really neat to see!

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