Mana Bird, the RB2 (galah)


New member
Oct 13, 2012
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Mana the manic female galah; yet to be named male corella
Inspired by others consolidated threads about their parrots, I decided to make one for Mana :)

This is Mana, our cheeky little galah.
Hatch date: 07-08-2012 (7th of August) DNA sexed female.


We purchased her from an unethical bird "flipper" with a sprained wing and in filthy condition. Luckily she has tested clear for all the major nasties and her wing is healing up nicely. Due to her time with the "flipper" she has some anxiety issues, which we are working on. The most significant improvement in her behaviour came when we moved her playgym from a stand to an altered shelf on my computer desk. She can hop down onto the floor as she pleases and this independence has helped with her anxiety enormously.



Due to a horrible clip and sprained wing she probably won't be learning to fly any time soon :(

Her favourite toy, which she drags absolutely everywhere is her green lady beetle... its the most delicate toy, I bought it as a fun idea for her to destroy in one afternoon but she took a liking to it and it remains intact! She has destroyed almost everything else lol



I have some video to upload of her talking as well :)
I LOVE her little beetle toy, she is so cute! :D
She's so sweet :) I'm surprised by how low the play gym is, Rosie would be very unhappy with me but Mana seems so content in your photo with her parked beetle lol
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She climbs onto the lounge if she wants to be high :D Its her favourite place to go to sleep. Mana is very much like a puppy LOL She is currently at the back door, running back and forth screaming, asking to go outside LOL I have fully bird proofed the main room so she has run of the house really. We are always in this part of the house so she is never unsupervised. I am hoping when she grows her flights back she will be happier to spend time on a proper play stand.

[ame=]Mana talking and chirping happily - YouTube[/ame]
She's gorgeous and good for you for giving her a wonderful life! I collect mine on Saturday... Excited is an understatement!

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