Mama knows best - a family outing


New member
Apr 9, 2016
Gracie - CAG | Rookie - BRHP
After a few weeks of stopping in to my favorite birdie store (more times than I should have) to visit an adorable baby brown headed parrot I took hubby & our kids yesterday to go visit. I didn't let on which baby I had my heart set on... I suspected they would gravitate towards the more colorful/active birds.

I had promised that I would let the family pick the next bird as a group since I had Gracie who is strictly a flock of 2 gal & my baby they can only love her from a far. Knowing our kids & my hubby I doubted that would ever happen without some help on my part.. they don't agree on much :)

I introduced them to a bunch of different species and explained typical characteristics, diets, etc. helped them handle the ones I knew were less likely to take a good nibble on them.

Of course our 16 year daughter had a blast with a gaggle of Caiques climbing all over her & just "had to have them all". She tired out well before they did lol she moved on to love on a couple of 'toos.

Our son 18 went for the lorikeet who was hopping around like a little circus performer - explaining their unique diet resulting in their unique poo and he moved on to play with the too's & macaws rather quickly.

The 'toos & 'caws didn't need my help a few very well placed screeches & nips and both kids were covering their ears & checking out the tiels.

Of course everyone loved & played with the baby greys.

Hubby was just hanging back. I let everyone wear themselves out and gravitate back towards me then I picked up the brown head to show them. At that moment a cape parrot on the nearby stand took a tumble & was caught up in a toy screaming in panic since I was the only person close I really quickly handed hubby the baby brown head & went to rescue the cape. When I turned around hubby was holding the baby up eye to eye and having a conversation with it. Well he/she promptly responded by christening his shirt lol
So I took the baby & passed it to our daughter while I got some paper towels to clean up hubby's shirt. The baby took this opportunity to check her out for a few minutes then promptly cuddled up under her chin and take a lil siesta.

Needless to say the newest addition should be coming home in a few weeks once fully weaned :)

This specific store has a couple locations this one is farther from us but I stopped in a few weeks back when I was in that area to pick up Gracie's treats & have been going there to visit the brown head ever since. Great place... the owner is going to transport the baby to his other store this week that's only 5 minutes from my work so we'll be able to visit easier during the next few weeks.

During the ride home both kids were chattering away about which one picked out the baby first & who it liked more. Hubby gave me the ""you ain't fooling me one bit look".

Someday maybe I'll let them know who actually picked the baby out :)
Well done and very excited for you. Just been reading up on these birds and they sound adorable. Looking forward to more tales and some pics in due course.
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As promised ... here are some pics :)

The baby BH was transferred to the store close to my office today so I got to head up to visit (very long, extended 2.5 hour lunch lol). Had a great visit the baby was cooing, chattering and climbing all over me playing. Very sweet baby with just a bit of sass.

Ok you guys don't care bout none of that .. you want pics I know lol

Here ya go..




This was when I had to leave - talk about giving me the puppy dog .. aww man you don't really hafta go do you?
Hes Adorable...hee hee I love the way the family all picked him after you visiting him for so long without telling them...that is one parrot that was really meant to be yours :) Congratulations on your Beautiful new addition to the family he's Gorgeous and I love the pics and all his different expressions :)
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Thanks :) he is such a sweetie. I was really surprised he didn't sell everytime i visited.

Today I had gotten there just as he was being brought in from the other store... Was perfect timing for a visit.

These stores the parrots are all out on play stands suspended from the ceiling so they are really socialized and handled a lot.
When I had to go they had me pick out a stand they even let me pick out the toys & decorate it for him. I figured he'd wouldn't want to be alone since he had hung out with a cape parrot at the other store so i didn't pick an empty stand instead we I introduced him to few parrots and he seemed really comfy with a sweet peach front conure. I left them playing with the toys together and chattering away

Was a good day :)
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@Plum. There isn't much to read but after I first came across him I read up on everything I could find & I thought the same :)
He is stunning! I love the way it worked out, and your secret about who REALLY picked him out is safe with us:)
I am so excited to learn about him, I am completely unfamiliar with BHs. He is so adorable I just want to cuddle him. Who could resist that face?
What a cutie :D! I love the Brown Headed! I loved reading your story :). It sounds like this baby was definitely meant to be. Are you getting sexing done? Which Omar's did he come from?
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Thanks Terry thanks printer :) I sure couldn't resist that face such a lil cuddle bug.

I got him from Lake Forest. Omar took him up to Brea for me today so I could easily visit in the upcoming weeks since it's close to work :). Yep they are going to do the dna test while he's there. This is my first BH but I'm betting I'm gonna love them too lol Such a fearless lil one hung out with a cape @ LF store then today ventured onto a stand with 3 greys lol
So excited :)
@Plum. There isn't much to read but after I first came across him I read up on everything I could find & I thought the same :)

Thanks for the pics and looking forward to more, more, more (sorry).

You just turn to mush looking at him super cute. :)
Wow I just loved the last picture! I was never really a "green" parrot fancier,and when I first met Amy,even though she is "green" but with remarkable yellows and reds and blues..well my feelings have changed lol..

Its really not the color anymore,its the birdie/disposition and I can see by just looking at his/her face,why you and your family fell in love ;)
What an adorable little face! Please post more pictures!

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Thanks Jim. I know exactly what your saying. It was really busy the times I was there & it was very telling that no one was paying attention to the lil guy even when they'd pick up the Cape that he was sharing the stand with. Everyone was definitely more interested in the bigger birds or the flashier/colorful caiques/conures/lories & cockatiels.

For me I saw that beautiful emerald green & the contrast with the brown/grey head was striking to me. Then again green is my favorite color :)
When the baby tried to balance on one foot & pick at a pellet in his foot I was a goner lol

They have the sweetest blue front there - I noticed she too wasn't drawing the crowd. Your Amy is so beautiful & BB well lol that is one lucky handsome fella
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lol Plum I will get plenty more :)

I surely was turning to mush ... he was closing his eyes in bliss every time I scritch his head or cheek ... then do the blink blink @ me when i'd stop. I'm a sucka for sure.

I will need to start ordering online & stay outta the store after he comes home tho lol
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Tried to get a few of the beautiful colors when he/she was stretching.
Wasn't an easy feat even with my daughter Megan's help lol

She had a blast visiting and playing with the new baby



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Not to be outdone by the wee one.. here's the fabulous Miss Gracie.

Planning world domination...

You got the wrong size lady


Gracie lookin like a goose lol

Busted takin pics during preening time ...
Thank you so much for more pictures! Your new baby is just so precious, I could look at him/her all day. That nap picture just melted my heart:)
I had no idea they had so many shades of green! Please keep the pictures coming, I am so enjoying learning more about his species.

And keep the pictures coming of Beautiful Gracie too! Loving the captions!
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Thank you so much for more pictures! Your new baby is just so precious, I could look at him/her all day. That nap picture just melted my heart:)
I had no idea they had so many shades of green! Please keep the pictures coming, I am so enjoying learning more about his species.

And keep the pictures coming of Beautiful Gracie too! Loving the captions!

Aww thanks. I know I was so surprised to see the range of greens.. and there's quite a bit of subtle blues. The entire underwings are yellow (can't seem to catch a pic when stretching lol)

Will do .. trust me I took sooo many more pics lol but I was feeling a bit obnoxious posting them all :)

Gracie is so easy to caption... she wears her emotions & moods right on her lil beak lol I loves my girl even when shes doing her Dr. Evil impression...

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