Male or female ?



Can you tell me if this is a female or a male?


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Honestly, I have no idea, but what an adorable baby! ❤️
Hi there! If your sweet feather baby is a Ringneck, from my understanding, only the males will develop the predominant black ring neckline when they mature. The female ring is faint or nonexistent. If you must know for sure, there are online services you can order a DNA test. I used “IQ Bird Testing”. It was easy and accurate. Hope that helps. ❤️, Lou
Hi there! If your sweet feather baby is a Ringneck, from my understanding, only the males will develop the predominant black ring neckline when they mature. The female ring is faint or nonexistent. If you must know for sure, there are online services you can order a DNA test. I used “IQ Bird Testing”. It was easy and accurate. Hope that helps. ❤️, Lou
their bird is a alexandrine

Yes, but I wonder if it's a girl or a boy.
So i think with Alexandrines the males will get the black ring but the black will be highlighted with a color of pink or blue and the females will not get the ring at all so kind of like a ringneck. Or you order in DNA testing and send the test off to a lab were you can get a 100% answer and a certificate saying that that bird is a boy or girl, that is what we do in the store i work at. so we can tell people with 100% certainty.
Yeah, Male Alexandrines get the ring, too. However, I THINK it doesn't appear until they go through their first molt at a year old. Otherwise males look like females until they develop their rings.

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