Make your own birdie diaper?


New member
Oct 24, 2010
Rome, Italy
Alberto - African Grey
Alberto is getting really comfortable with us and I have ordered an Aviator harness so I can take him outside!

But I would like to get one of these diapers too...I was looking at them and I don't like them at all. I like the IDEA but i find them so big and bulky and if he has a harness it does not need to be so big......soooooooo

I am thinking of trying to whip one up myself, I am pretty handy with a crochet hook and then I could just fit part of a maxi pad inside. Does this sound plausible or totaly stupid? I am such a newbie with birds, it seems like an ok idea to me, but I thought I should run it by some more experienced bird owners! Thanks!
I've tried the "diaper" with Levi. It's terrible.:eek: He flounders around, and seems to be unable to move properly. I won't use it again. If you figure out how to crochet a comfortable one, I'd like the pattern...:)
Diapers for birds?? Its way out of a bird's natural life. We try to keep our companion birds life indoors as natural as possible. It is much more dignified to potty train them which is very easy. I do not mean to offend anyone on this post but I just cannot see a beautiful, dignified bird in a diaper.
Thank you Spiritbird! Yes, I also find the whole thought preposterous! I have seen in my birdie magazine, capes for the shoulder for just that reason.
I have to ask how would you keep the vent area clean and free from any iritation? In nature they go and that is the end of it but it doesn't stay next to the body. Alison and sweetie pie:D

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