Maiden voyage


Aug 25, 2012
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San Diego
Duskies: Gizmo & Niko, hatched 3/12 & 5/12; pineapple GCC: Skittles, 5/10/13; Pan Am: Harley, 1/27/13; CAG: Maalik, 7/27/13; Eclectus: Ziggy, 4/4/04; BHC: Walter 6 y; baby Jardine's: Bogart-May!
Maalik spread his wings and flew around the room a few times yesterday to celebrate his 12 week birthday! The landings were a bit rough, but he did pretty well overall. I was expecting him to try flying a short distance at first, but that wasn't the case at all!

I know I've read a thread somewhere on here before about what you've done to help your fids identify that a window can't be flown through, and would like to get something in place before he could injure himself.
I tried showing my birds the windows by taking them to each one, tapping the window, and then touching them to it. It didn't work! So, I bought window clings and after putting a lot on the windows they haven't flown into them since!!!! :-)
Glad you've thought about the window problem. We just always had blinds on ours until the birds learnt. With mirrors they caught on pretty quick after some touching games. :)

Well done on his first flight!
I try to get my CAG to fly but it is hard. He can fly but he won't start out unless he falls off his perch or I throw him up in the air. He flaps his winds but he won't let go with his feet. Don't know if he is scared or just doesn't know and how to teach him.

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