Made some toys for Percy today because he doesn't have enough yet....


New member
Nov 15, 2013
South Africa
Percy, a 5yo BFA & Jack, a 8yo Budgie
Since I'm going away for five nights :eek: and not just AWAY but across-the-sea-six-hours-flight-AWAY, I'm very concerned that Percy will be bored/unhappy/unstimulated (insert whatever reason would justify MORE toys here ;)) while I am away. I blame April who gave me the idea for a "Percy staycation" in the first place...:54:

I'm leaving Friday morning, so I started making toys today. Here they are :

Some cupcake cups, corks & muffin cups.

Macrame with ladybugs & beads and a string of "sweeties" (corks wrapped in leftover xmas paper).

Some foragers (much more foragers to be done before go)

A string of pine slats & beads and a ring of pine discs and vine balls. The teddie at the bottom of the pine slice thing may look like solid silver but that is a trick of the light and my camera flash - it is acrylic.

Here's the teddie in my hand.
Percy will be too busy to miss you at first... I doubt that will last too long, but he'll definitely have fun til he realizes mom is gone!!!

Love your toys!
Wow, AGAIN Michelle... those are some "professionally made" toys there :)
In fact, Percy might love them all so much he won't even notice you're gone... LOL :D:D Hope you have a wonderful trip.
You come up with the best stuff! Does Percy have an all time favorite toy that you've made?
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You come up with the best stuff! Does Percy have an all time favorite toy that you've made?

His favourites are anything that contains cork, soft pine slices and corrugated cardboard. He's a lazy boy who doesn't enjoy hard woods :20:

Deprived, Strudel? THAT can't be allowed! I'm going to have to make more toys immediately to rectify that problem ;)
I just wished you lived nearby so you could make my poor deprived little pumpkin something.
Don't blame me Michelle:mad:

You *KNOW* you want to spoil that parrot rotten:D Great toys, Percy should be VERY happy on his "stay-cation";)
i love the flower cups and the Christmas candy.
I will have to try that.
I honesty wish you would start a blog with instructions and where to buy and such.
I am sure you highness Percy knows how much off a good and loyal parront you are.
that is fantastic Michelle, you are truly talented.
Mr. Percy is one lucky bird, but I know in the back of his mind he WILL miss you :)
Are you looking to sell any toys you make? I bet you could find purchasers here....

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