Macaws making O.J.?


New member
Jul 25, 2010
Jacksonville, Florida
Clifford-Scarlet Macaw
Kayko- B&G Macaw
Doogie - Catalina Hybrid Macaw
I have noticed that all three of my macaws will take the orange wedges from their fruit bowl and put them in their water dish. Doogie will even hold an orange slice in his mouth and drink water at the same time. Knowing that macaws eat clay in the wild I have to wonder if they are capable of knowing something we don't about nutrition or aids to digestion. Does anybody elses macaws do this?
I have two Hahns, and they love Pomegranates. They're just coming up to four months old. They'll eat most of the fruit, and just pierce the pips and let the juice run down into the bottom of the bowl. after they've annihilated the body of the fruit, they drink the juice and sometimes bath in it, they get into an awful mess and have to have a unscheduled bath time :) They also put some of the pellets in their food into the water and eat them when they're all soggy.

Spooky Adam :)
Does anybody elses macaws do this?
I guess that's their way of making orange juice "from concentrate" ;). Salsa does exactly the same thing. He not only does it with oranges, he pretty much does it with everything he eats.
Niko is an expert wine maker. I don't know why, but "so far" the ONLY fruit he dunks on a regularly basis is grapes. :eek:

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