Macaw wants to hold my hand?


New member
Dec 24, 2017
Sunny the blue and gold macaw.
It has happened the last few times I've managed to pet her (also trying not to die from excitement that she let me touch her and didn't try to take a finger off this time!). I think she wants to hold my hand? I'm not sure though if I'm missing something. She doesn't like me near her face at all, and I recently discovered she doesn't seem to mind if I touch the outer part of her wings. Mainly I'm trying to teach her that it's okay if I open her wings to look at them (for vet visits, bad feathers, etc.). I do completely avoid petting her under the wings.

Well, she does this thing. She will stand up straight and put out her foot. At first I thought she was just being relaxed, but she kept her toes extended (it was different than when she wants to step up). She has been doing this every time I pet her outer wing or open it a little. So today, on a hunch, I gave her my hand...and she held it? I thought it was just a ploy so she could hold my hand prisoner and regurgitate on it (her favorite), but no, she just grabbed my fingers and perched there with them held to her chest.

It's super adorable, but I'm worried that because she always does a lot of mating behavior around me that maybe it's linked to that? I'm hoping she's just being cute, or that maybe a previous owner taught her it or something. Mostly I just don't want to encourage any kind of mating behavior since she already shows quite a few signs and I would rather avoid her aggression later on.
Perhaps she's just trying to say thanks for rescuing her, and all the love and attention you have given her.
Keep reading to her, be there for her and be patient, it takes time.

Just keep a lookout for the eye pinning in case she gets too excited.

I think you just got your first thank you :)

Kelly, Karl, and Arika
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Perhaps she's just trying to say thanks for rescuing her, and all the love and attention you have given her.
Keep reading to her, be there for her and be patient, it takes time.

Just keep a lookout for the eye pinning in case she gets too excited.

I think you just got your first thank you :)

Kelly, Karl, and Arika

This is so cute! I really hope that's why :blue1:
I’ve noticed that jack (my rescue B/G) does the same thing. It feels like he gets comfy then starts to perch on one foot, which then I feel that he gets more comfy if he’s “balanced” so he grasps my hand or finger with one foot. But by no means will his foot be under my hand his foot will be on top. I’m assuming like maybe dogs it’s a dominance thing? Good luck and thanks for giving Sunny a second chance.
pics! maybe she had learned how to shake in previous life?

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