So initially when I purchased this adorable baby macaw, my intention was to get a nice (not to mention nice looking;-) macaw size "cage". Then the little bundle of feathers grew quite rapidly and I soon began thinking this through, hence my post on powder coated dog kennels for macaws. Sooo we set up the "nursery" for our 10week old (a 5x5 dog kennel) pix attached. The kennel will be 10x10 here soon as he is already utilizing all the floor space, spending less and less time in his tote. Then I start pondering and honestly feeling horrible and guilty that a 10x10x 6ft tall cage doesn't allow for flight or even much free movement. It's like putting a canary in one of those antique tiny cages they used to use! It will, at minimum, allow for him to fully flap and turn around without busting up his tail. Is it enough for me to say "well when we're home he's out of the cage" or "we'll flight train" etc. You have to think, even spending an hour or two in a space too cramped will cause stress, right? You can't give them a room of the house because (unless it is the living room) you have segregated the bird. My guess is that, at minimum, to support a comfortable life your looking at 10x20x8ft? I work 4hrs a day during the week and he cannot be free roaming, it's just not safe. I know I cannot be the only one feeling like this, so what are some thoughts, ideas? My husband said we may need to renovate and make a sun-type room extension off the living room, but, I don't think we can afford that right now.
Anyone cage off a whole living area? and if so what type of materials did you use to make it somewhat cost effective?
Do some of you just have large playstands? and are the macaws happy and content to just sit? our baby seems to be very active and I can't imagine him just sitting on a stand, but maybe when these birds mature it's possible? This is our first large parrot and maybe I'm overthinking things, idk.
Anyone cage off a whole living area? and if so what type of materials did you use to make it somewhat cost effective?
Do some of you just have large playstands? and are the macaws happy and content to just sit? our baby seems to be very active and I can't imagine him just sitting on a stand, but maybe when these birds mature it's possible? This is our first large parrot and maybe I'm overthinking things, idk.