LuLu's calling behavior seems to be getting worse


New member
Jul 11, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
Female SI eclectus parrot
Male/female budgies
Komorner tumbler pigeon
So 2 days ago i ended up moving again. But this time i just moved across the hall to a bigger apartment (same layout, but extra bedroom). The move took maybe 2 hours so I don't think LuLu was all that phased by the move. But now LuLu seems to be way more clingy. She will do her call whenever I get out of her sight. And I live in an apartment and now I'm nervous because she does it so often now. If I'm just sitting in the living room (Where her cage is) she is fine all day, she'll call maybe once for the day. But if I get up and go in the kitchen or the bedroom she'll call for me. And its not constant, its still just "ACK ACK". And it's not that loud from outside the apartment. I've asked my neighbors to tell me if its bothering them but they're all college age kids so they couldn't care less because they're either at work or class during the day. But how can I stop her from calling so much? Or do you think its possible to change that scream to maybe a word like "hello" or "hi" or even a whistle?
Yes you can teach her to talk and whistle that would help a lot! Whenever she calls you respond back to let her know your around and everything is fine and you'll be back. Try talking to her like to another person but gently! Make the conversation fun!

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