Lovebird help!


New member
Oct 20, 2013
I recently found a lovebird perched onto my window grill and I decided to keep him as a pet as I didn't know of anyone who lost it. It has a rusty golden ring around its leg and I'm thinking maybe he escaped from a neighborhood bird shop? Anyway, I lured it in my house(don't ask me how.) And bought a cage and started to keep him/her as a pet. He surely is eating and drinking well but he can't stop biting. Whenever I place any part of either of my hands outside his cage, he strikes it viciously. I bring him out of the cage and successfully feed him seeds using my thumb and index finger but he nips my fingers after a few attempts.
Though it is not exactly painful, I still flinch and retract my hand quickly. A heard a few avians say not to do that but I just can't get over the fear. Was this bird tortured previously and am I taking too long to tame him if he has been living in my house for a few weeks? What do I do?
Thank you.
Did you place ads up saying you found a small bird? Have you looked at local grocery stores? Pet stores? Vet offices? for a missing pet?
Heya Herman! Welcome to the forums!

I admit that Lovebirds aren't my specialty (but my goodness do I love them!) but your bird sounds to be a little "territorial" of his or her cage. Since your bird is sweet outside of the cage but really not pleased with you coming into "their space" it just seems territorial to some degree :) It's nice that your bird is happy when outside of the cage though!

Again, welcome to the forums and make sure to check out the specific Lovebird forum area for more help and tips from others who own 'em!
Welcome to the forum!

Like Monica says, please do at least try to find the owners cause someone might be missing him. Just imagine if you lose a pet and someone who found it decides to keep it instead of trying to find the previous owner. If no one show after awhile and you decided to keep him that would be fine.

Lovebirds can be super nippy, it does not mean he was tortured! It's a defense thing they do. It can take you awhile to tame him down.

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