Lovebird genetics help please


New member
Nov 4, 2013
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Male is a green peachface. Female is a blue whiteface I guess, she has a little bit of colour on top of her face, so not proper white face.
So they have had 2 batches of babies

First one was a very light colored yellow and white bird. And one that looked exactly like the mom only two for first batch.....

The second batch the oldest looked exactly like the dad then the other one like the mom and and youngest was bright yellow with white wings and peachface and some little red at base of the tail feathers
the yellow ones are girls, based on the parents. they are inos. the brighter yellow one sounds like a lutino and the lighter one sounds like a creamino.

meaning dad is split to ino, which only girls will inherit in this pair. it's a sex-linked gene where females can only be visual, but males can be either visual or split--in this case, your male is split to ino. ino will give you lutino or creamino chicks, in your case you get both because your male is a green split ino blue.

you get some "blue" birds because mom is blue and it means dad must be split for blue, since it is a recessive gene--meaning both parents have to carry the gene in order to get visuals.

the lutino is a "green" ino bird and the creamino is a "blue" ino bird. basically, she's a blue lutino, but they're called creamino.

and then you get the wild green chicks because it's a dominant gene.
Awesome !
Thank you very much.
So is it possible to breed my Lutinos or creaminos with the blackhead lovebirds.

Also my birds are on eggs again only 2 for now but oldest one is 3 days old.

If I take the birds out and wait I'll 2-4 months
What's the best way to get breeding pairs out of them. I think I'll keep any Lutinos or creaminos because I know there females. Will all the green ones be male ?

Like should I just put them together from a young age and wait 9 months ?
the non-ino birds can be either gender since dad is only split lutino

and no, do not mix the lutinos or any other peach face lovebird with black masked lovebirds, theyre a different species of lovebird, not a different colour. best keep same species to same species.

as for mature age, i'd wait for the babies to be 12-18 months (preferably 18 months) to breed them.

pairing lovebirds can be tricky because of their aggression, but best bet is to put cages side by side first to get to know eachother, then if they seem to take a liking to eachother, put them into a whole new larger cage.

also, with ino birds, do not pair them with other inos. pairing two ino birds together increases the mortality rate in chicks and will often result in more dud eggs/dead eggs.
Ok so what's the best way to get more ino babies using a ino

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