Lovebird Gender


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Apr 30, 2014
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Had the avian vet do gender test on my lovebird about four weeks ago. Have had Toucan for about 4 months and just got the annual check up and had Vet do blood test for gender. Before I give results after reading this forum and people saying normally the females are more loud and more cage protective as compared to the males I figured I had a female because Toucan is very loud and my gosh will try to rip your fingers off if going inside the cage. Never had a male to compare the behavior to though. On the test the Vet clips the toenail very low so it bleeds to send blood sample to lab. The clipping of toenail does pinch according to the Vet and Toucan squealed when it was done. Felt very bad about this. Drum roll and Toucan is a female. I guess that explains the constant chirping and cage defending Toucan displays. I feel it was important to know the gender because ifi get another Lovie I know which gender to get so there is no fighting going on. Also, was weird before saying god girl, good boy but not knowing truly what gender she was. Can't change name to Toucana because Toucan already responds to her name.

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