
I celebrate diversity!
Thanks for sharing. :)
This happened both in the human world as in the animal world.
I have no problem with it. .... not in the human world and not
in the animal world.
I have read that about ten percent of most animals are attracted to their same sex. It's Nature!
I have read that about ten percent of most animals are attracted to their same sex. It's Nature!

Giraffes are probably taking up a good 5% of that all on their own...
Don't EVER look that up. Take my word for it. Giraffes are disgusting creatures when it comes to their mating rituals. Ducks are pretty messed up as well.

Flamingos, Bonobos, Penguins, Sea Lions, Lions, some dog species... there's a pretty decent list of gay animals... It's really not unnatural :P

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