Loto - Another update!!


New member
Dec 13, 2007
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Seth - 16 y/o Blue Crown Conure

Lily - 3 y/o White Capped Pionus
I've been MIA (Again :p) but Loto the Blue Fronted amazon is doing AMAZING with me!!!

She's been with me for almost 2 months now (for those just reading, I've been baby sitting her for my boyfriend's uncle) and is just amazing.

I've FINALLY been able to go up to her stand say "up up" and she'll willingly step up for me. She would always growl and threaten to bite and I would back off at first. Finally I got so ticked off with using a stick to move her around, I said NO in the biggest scariest voice I could muster up and she looked at me in shock :rolleyes: And since that point, she's been stepping up like a pro.

I also was able to snuggle an amazon. I had my two lovebirds snuggling my neck and Loto was on my knee while I watched a movie, she would slowly move down my leg and ended up on my tummy and fell asleep <3 It was so cute!!!!

She will still be with me until August, but I REALLLLLLLY am hoping her dad will let me keep her :) She fits in so great with my flock and my life.

Not to mention she sings opera.... That was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life...
Awww I'm so glad your experiencing the plus side of amazon parrot hood. Congratulations!! Arnt they wonderful when there so well behaved. I hope you get to keep him too!! Why are you bird sitting?? What's te situation?
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Well her owner is travelling down in the states and she's not one for constantly going everywhere. So he asked if I could bird-sit :)

It's going to be so hard to give her back :(
I bet it's the price of being a foster. When he comes back and you have to
Return him. Why not adopt one?
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That's the unfortunate outcome of Being a foster-mum - she's only temporary.

I don't think I'll adopt one once she goes home. I've been reading as much as I can on them, and I think she's one in thousands who doesn't have an attitude problem. As does every bird, she has her moments where she REALLY doesn't want to step up.

She fits in great with me because that's who SHE is. I met a 7 year old one last month in hopes of adopting him, but he was a NIGHT and DAY difference compared to Loto.

I do have my eye on a Senegal baby - I had the pleasure of meeting one at a bird club named Zoey who was just AMAZING. She was so stinkin' sweet and made the cutest sounds.

But regardless, if I consider another addition I will look at ANY bird as long as they click with me, even if it's a budgie, cockatiel, senegal or an amazon.
I would have a terrible time giving her up. Its really great that the 2 of you clicked, it doesn't happen w/every bird. Any chance they want to give her up? At the very least, talk about being appointed guardian if something happens to them. I only wish I could find someone that could handle Merlin like I can. It bothers me that I dont have a good plan if something happens to us.
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I am really going to consider asking her owner if he would consider letting me keep her or at least buying her from him. He's going to be living in Arizona and she would have to get bloodwork, testing and who knows whatever else to be authorized to cross the border from Canada to the USA.

I'd have to arrange a new perch/stand location, she's currently sitting up past my head and dumps her food everywhere.... thank god my apartment has tile floors. It's a godsend with the birds haha
awww i am soo glad you's have bonded so well an lol at the NO in a scary voice! my sene if yelled at just looks as if to say, i dare you!!!

but sene's are problem down the line, nothing major just attitude an the beak (she still cannot accept no as a command lmao)

its gonna be a big heart ache for you to part an i am hoping you get to keep her, as she does sound so happy with you!
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I did read that about the Sen's, that they are beak happy haha

I was told by Loto's owner that she loves to snuggle on his chest and not to be offended if she doesn't do that with me. But lo-and behold, she did :D, not up and snuggly like my lovie's do, but she passed out on my leg one night and then on my stomach. She was holding the blanket in her beak like a pacifier

(then I found all the poop on the blanket and had to wash it, it was gross)
Haha. I have to hand wash the couch fabric all the time. Sam lays his mean poops when I'm not looking lol. I travel around the house with Sam alot and usally he's on my shoulder with me. I hate it when he poops on my back when I'm wearing a thin t shirt. It's all warm hahaha. He potty trained for the most part. But when he's with me 2+ hours sometimes on accident he just has no choise. At least till his wings are back and he can fly to the pooping perch like Bella. He'll learn.
Oh and isn't amazing to have a an amazon sleep and cuddle up against your chin XD

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