Lot of questions, any help would be appreciated!


New member
Sep 6, 2013
African Grey Congo named Kokomo
Hello! I have several questions about my African Grey.
He's a congo, he's 9 years old, and I hand reared him. I got him when I was thirteen and he's been my favorite guy just about my whole life.
However, now that I'm away a lot for college, we've been having a lot of issues and it's been hard to deal with when he doesn't like anyone but myself (not that I consider that much of a problem). But if anyone could help me, I'd really appreciate it!

First, Koko is having his very FIRST molting. After 9 years! He's never had his feathers like this before, and while I'm aware it happens in different sections of his body at a time, it's taking over four months. I've grabbed some nutrients and plumage and skin care food additive, which have helped the feathers to look healthier, however, he is still molting.

Second, would any one know how the best way to trim his nails and beak would be without going to a vet? (At least his nails if nothing else)

Third, he's never allowed anyone to hand feed him. He will only take food from utensils or in his house. Is there anyway to train him for hand feeding for further training?

And this is just silly, but does anyone else have a grey who like to perch on their head? (And why?)

I appreciate the help in advance!
Haha he perches on his head? Silly CAG! What is his favorite thing to eat? I would start there with hand feeding. Are you living away from home? If so encourage another family member to try hand feeding to develop a relationship with him. If you are still living at home and going to school full time I would still recommend helping a family member take over some of the care, you are going to be very busy for the next 4 years, and it may help Koko establish a relationship with someone besides you. It seems very unusual that this is his first molt,do you take him to the vet regularly.? What type of diet is he on?
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Has he been to a vet before? May be a good time for a check up ;)

When they loose feathers over the course of a few months that's a molt lol No bald/downy patches right? The fact that he's loosening so many during a stressful time worries me. Only someone very experienced should trim a beak, it could be shattered or cracked on accident. Birds shouldn't need beak Mai taknce as long as they are on a excellent diet, don't have any weird oddities about their beak. Chewing wood also helps to keep the beak maintained.

A good way to maintain nails is to use a Safety Pumice perch, I bought mine at Petsmart. They are rough on the sides to maintain nails, and smooth on too to protect the feet from bumble foot.

Are you able to change your college schedule so your home more? I was commuting to San Francisco for school on the train 4 days a week(I was gone from 9am-9-10pm, and my commute was 4 hours round trip). This affected Rosie very badly, but my schedu was already set before I adopted her. The semester after that I squished my classes into only 2 days, and then I started half on campus and half online to give her the attention she needs. If your grey is acting out, and starting to have problems because of your schedule look into taking some online classes as well do you're gone less :)

Interesting about him no taking food from hands, I would just find his absolute favourite thing and only offer it by hand for a week or two to see f he gives in.

Lol my friends cockatiel likes to sit on heads, and one of my friends used to have a imprinted American kestrel(falcon) who loved being on heads. But my grey does not lol

Welcome :D I hope you enjoy the forum, also we live photos if you have any
Oh and for nails I use a file and just take a little off at a time~ I wouldn't be comfortable doing around with the beak. Does he chew wood?
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The head perching seems to be an individual bird thing, of our birds only the PLumhead does it regularly. Our eccy has tried it but with advancing age I find there's little up there to cushion the landing of an eccy:) It's a height thing perhaps, the Plumhead also likes to head for the tops of the kitchen cabinets.
Oops I thought he was perching on his head.... lol
Yes I know lots of birds that like to get to the highest point
Waiting on your response to others questions cause I have to ask the same. They go through molt yearly, it doesn't just show up one day. Unless your saying he's loosing heavy amount of feathers where he's bald, then I would be concerned. Trimming can be done if you know what your doing as you can clip too short to cut the quick and cause massive bleeding. Flour or corn starch can help stop the bleeding but I wouldn't advice you to attempt to do those on your own if you don't have the slightest idea on how its done. A vet check up would do you good to get everything checked out and have the nails and beak done.
Do you have any photos of him???
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Thanks for all the answers!

Regarding the molting--he's not bald anywhere, it's the soft grey baby like feathers, scattered everywhere, I managed to get a few pictures, but he's camera shy!

I have him on a diet of the Premum parrot food with peanuts, seeds, dried fruits and I think it's just the generic brand. I also put nutrition drops in his food and his favorite is purple grapes (or the big ones, but only if we freeze them first)

I try to be home on the weekends, but I'll be moving soon, and he gets to come with me this time! But that's looking to still be at least 5 months away (we're building).

With his nails, its mostly that he hates being wrapped in a towel, but he bites when he sees the clippers and I know that some people have trained their birds to be voluntary through it.

I haven't taken him to a vet recently, mostly because of school/work schedule and my parents work day shifts too. In my area, the one or two specialized bird vets are only open m-f, bank hours.

He doesn't like to chew on anything actually. I've tried the cuddle bones, wood, some of his toys he likes to break apart, but he prefers bells over wooden toys.

I've also tried using that 'bird bath' spray on him. Koko hates it, but I think it did help a bit.


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Do your parents not have any vacation days? He looked a bit barbered in the back. Have you considered giving him a better diet that's better for his health? Are you trying to feed more fresh fruits and vegetables, also cook for him? There's steps you can take to better his health.
Thanks for the photos :D

His current state of his feathers is from over preening, and probably plucking since you say he's loosing a lot of feathers. If you can try to get him in for a check up to make sure it's not a health issue causing this, once you know he's healthy you can work on stopping the feather destruction.

Are you feeding him a Premium parrot seed blend? Those companies often label their bags as the "healthiest" "most nutritious" "complete bird diet" but in reality they are terrible for our birds and often lead to serious life threatening health issues. You'll want to transfer him to a high quality pellet, the two best are Harrison's, and Totally organic. After that there's Zupreem Natural and Roudybush pellets which are decent.

Harrison's pellets are excellent, nearly all US certified avian vets will recommend this food and also sell it at their clinics. Unless otherwise told by your avian vet African Greys should be fed High potency course as a staple diet. Also feed fresh veggies, fruit, and some nuts(almonds, pistachios, pine nuts). This pellet is a little more expensive than other pellets. I buy a 5 pound bag for around $36. This is also a HUMAN GRADE pellet, which is very important.


The next excellent pellet is Totally Organic. The great thing about this one is it's completely organic, has a amazing ingredients list, and it's inexpensive. Also human grade. You can buy a 4 pound bag for $14 online, or for around $19 at a specialty pet store.


Unlike the top two pellets which are only found at vets, specialty pet stores, or bought online the next two can be found at Petco, Petsmart, and other pet stores that carry bird supplies

Roudybush is a popular pellet with our forum members. I have a bag and every few days I add a few to my CAGS Harrison's pellets as a treat, and also use them in his foraging toys. You can also buy the California blend that has dried fruit in it. I do not believe Roudybush is human grade, if someone knows please specify if it is or not.


Last there is Zupreem natural, this is a decent pellet that many birds like because it's a little sweet as they have sugar in the ingredients. I really don't like that they add Sugar, but overall the pellet isn't bad at all. It's also human grade. The downside to this pellet is that it's cooked in a way that destroys some of the nutrients, the above pellets are cooked much more efficiently.


Also, here's a photo of my friends CAG Ernie as a example of feather destruction. She plucks and chews her feathers as well, after their other African grey passed she became much worse, to the point that she never had a tail.


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We just changed his diet, and I give him vitamins with every meal. He won't eat cooked food, I've tried that. He's incredibly picky, but he gets fresh food everyday, and we try to include fruits and veggies, but he only likes grapes.
It's hard to say from your pics. Do his feathers look frayed? He may be over preening them. I would get a check up from the vet. A diet change also would help with fresh foods and start adding in some pellets gradually. Does he like to bathe? You should teach your parents how to bathe koko a few times a week.
We just changed his diet, and I give him vitamins with every meal. He won't eat cooked food, I've tried that. He's incredibly picky, but he gets fresh food everyday, and we try to include fruits and veggies, but he only likes grapes.
What did you change his diet too?
Please only use vitamins when directed by a vet, it's very easy for them to overdose. My avian vet gets overdosed birds monthly because of vitamins; She was very clear about me never using them unless she specifically tells me to do so.

A chop mix is a great way to include different foods, you can make a few months worth and freeze it in small freezer bags . Offer it daily for one or two hours. Seeing the same consistent food daily for a month or two and the birds will likely start to nibble on it and realize it's good. You can also add sliced grapes, the chop mix will stick to the grapes and your CAG will eat small bits of it. My galah cockatoo ignored her first batch, until I only had 10 bags left and she suddenly loved it! It's also really convenient if you are low on time, just take it out, thaw, and serve.

Here's a great chop mix recipe Chop Mix For Your Birds

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