Lost Hahn's Macaw Woburn,MA Legband "WT FL 13 2292"


New member
Apr 16, 2015
Woburn, MA
I lost my little guy a couple of days ago. I've been searching ever since. He was breed by "Wild Things" in Florida, and he is 2 years old. His leg band is "WT FL 13 2292". Thanks for looking. Please message any moderator for email address.
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They generally stay in the area. The best time to find them is at first light when birds start to vocalize. Keep looking, he is out there...
I would check in with the MSPCA as well. Best of luck finding your Little guy.
I lost my little guy a couple of days ago. I've been searching ever since. He was breed by "Wild Things" in Florida, and he is 2 years old. His leg band is "WT FL 13 2292". Thanks for looking. Please message any moderator for email address.

They won't go to far from where they taken off. Couple days ago I lost my Senegal for 28 hours. She's home safe now.

The key and was very good advice and it worked....watch and keep track of other birds. Birds such as Blue Jays, Starlings, red-winged black birds will alert you to a strange bird. The bird will be 1/4 mile to 1/2 mile radius of you most of the time.

It will find a tree with cover and get close to the trunk of tree until it recognizes a certain voice or person. then will call out and come out father on a branch.

I found mine by watching for blue jays reactions and sure enough there was one making a ruckus noise and flying around a pine. And there was my Bird.
Wild birds make a fuss about a strange bird they never seen before, such as the parrot. So watch the body language and reaction of wild birds. Your parrot will be there.

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