Lost Friend


New member
May 19, 2013
Presently I have no pets. Several months ago I was forced to put my dog to sleep. I hate that phase. In reality I had him killed.
He was 16 1/2 years old.
When he was 13 1/2 years old, he had heart failure. I will never forget that July 4th night. He kept making eye contact with me. He was begging with his eyes for help. We rushed him to the emergency vet. They gave us a choice, either put him down, or try to save him. We said if there is a chance, give it to him. After two days, the crisis was over. The heart specialist gave him 6 months. I had him on 4 different heart medications twice a day. Six months turned into a year, then two years, then a third year. They were good years. He was walking 3 -5 miles a day. Even running. He was known as the miracle dog. Then he he stopped eating. At the end he had cancer and dementia. He would walk into the kitchen, but forgot how to eat.
Now I am thinking of a new pet. I often think about getting a parrot, but have some reservations. For one, the cost of medical care. The two days in the dog hospital cost $3,000. I could not take many hits like that. Also, my brother has two parrots. One bit him so bad that he had to go to the doctor.
I am not a young man anymore. It would not be fair to get a pet that would outlast me.

Thanks for listening.
Daniell, my deepest condolences to the loss of your beloved dog. :(

You speak of him with such love and devotion. 16.5 years? WOW!!!! That is amazing!!! What type of dog was he? You must miss him terribly. :(

If you don't think a parrot would be a good fit for you, why not go to a local shelter and see if you can rescue a dog in need? JUST an idea. :)

Lastly, if you want to share pictures of your beloved dog, please feel free. We are all animal lovers here, and can feel your pain.
I had a blue healer... Had him for 17 years.. He had health problems too.. Got loose and was hit by a car when he was 5, and eventually heart problems...

I was in the Navy when he was put down.. I couldn't even tell my best friend good bye. That's torn me up ever since... But as long as you live him, he'll be with you..

After that, when it was time for me to get another pet.. No dog would measure up.. I tried a budgie parakeet... Now to some a budgie is a starter.. But if you get the right one, a hand fed.. And you interact with it daily... Don't just leave it in a cage, a take necessary precautions like making sure it's clipped... They can be great birds..

Hendrick opened my eyes to the world of birds... Still have the little guy today... I don't speak about him much.. But he's a gorgeous blue parakeet... 6 years old... Going on 7..still in good health..

You might think about a parakeet.. Some can talk really well...

He's an extraordinary example but Google disco... He's a yellow and green parakeet... Don't expect any bird to talk by the way.. Cause you just never know..

But this is something to look into.. First step to see if a parrot is for you... Parakeets are loving... And pretty easy to tend to..

Sorry about your dog... But he'd want you to be happy.. He'll be waiting for you I'm sure...
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Sorry for your loss, I can feel the love you have for him

Another suggestion, visit birds in your area, see how it goes YOU NEVER KNOW

No one knows what tomorrow will bring or take away, live your life

Give a bird a chance of accepting your love and devotion, making a huge difference in a bird life as well. (perhaps a rescue bird)
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My heart aches at your loss, I am so sorry. Parrot's are great pets you might want to look into Conures they are small and pretty easy to handle just make sure that you are getting one that is hand fed from a baby. We have a Green Cheek Conure and she is amazing. All Parrots bite a little. But if you do choose a parrot make sure that you get one that chooses you. The bond is amazing and the love they give can not be compared to anything else. God bless!
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I have attached a photo of my late dog.


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He has the gentlest face in the world! What a cutie!!! Thank you for sharing his precious picture.
There are some really old parrots in rescues waiting to die because no one wants a old pet. Losing a pet is like having a chunk of your soul ripped out. I have lost way to many. I am so sorry for your lose. My Grandma told me once that the lose of a old friend makes room to love a new one even more....
So sorry to hear about what you had to go through with your dog. We build such bonds with our companion pets and I know how difficult it is to lose one. I lost my elderly poodle quite some time ago due to a stroke in her old age, but I always remember how much she meant to me.

Volunteering would be such a great thing for you, if you are able. Once you get started, even a couple hours a week, you'll look forward so much to getting back there. Maybe you can find a bird sanctuary or rescue to learn about parrots, then even take one home to foster it until someone is ready to adopt.

If you have a younger family member that is close by and u see alot, you could see if they would be interested in joining you to adopt a parrot and they could spend time along with you to build a trusting relationship, that way should you ever feel you can't care for him/her any longer due to age, the younger person would be the new home. Lots of folks write about taking in their grandparent's bird, etc.
I am so sorry for your loss. Your dog sounds like a sweetheart... and you sound like a person who would be a wonderful rescuer, whether another dog, a cat, or a bird...whatever you chose, or whatever chose you, they would be fortunate to have you as their family. (((hugs)))
I'm so sorry to read about your loss. If you're still considering a parrot but are concerned about it outliving you, perhaps adopting an older bird might be an option?

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