Lost African Grey-Maryland!!!


New member
Mar 21, 2010
Baltimore, MD
Sammy-Umbrella Too-rescued,
Dexter-CAG-rehomed handicapped,
Sterling-CAG-rehomed retired breeder.
Sunshine-12 yo CAG-adopted
Posting for someone!! Thier baby grey flew out the door tonight! She is only 11 weeks old and still handfeeding!
Owner is located in the Middleriver area of Baltimore, MD
If you see or find this bird please contact me. Thank you!
GC Do you live in MD too?? Please have your friend contact the Baltimore Bird Fanciers through their web site and they will send out e mail to all members. Many a bird has been found this way.
I am so glad I clip wings. Also advise your friend their are scammers out there who claim to have found a bird. That info. can be found on parrot 911.

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Thanks Spiritbird! Yes, I am in Rosedale in Baltimore county.
Bird is posted on 911 and I did alert them of scams. I am going to contact Baltimore Bird Fanciers for them.
I went out today and heped for about 2 1/2 hours. No luck as of yet. Since she was only 11 weeks old she had only flown about 10 feet in thier home. They were shocked when she escaped and flew to a telephone wire the into the forest behind them. She ended up in a 60 ft tree that the guy tried to climb but she took off again. The fire department would not bring a ladder for help. I think she is enjoying the flying life now that she got a taste. If she only knew she was in danger.
Please read my post for Too Many Lost Birds. It contains some efforts I would never have thought of. I pray the bird comes home. I live in Cockeysville soon to move to Woodstock Md. Small world.
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Re:UPDATE! Lost African Grey-Maryland!!!

Sassy has been found! She is now home with her family and doing well. I will be going over this week to clip her wings. Thank you for all the prayers!
oh my lord. Bless that bird and whoever found her. She's a toughie, yes sir. Something tells me you're going to have a big future ahead of you with Sassy.
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Update on Sassy!

Update on Sassy! Mike and I went over to evaluate Sassy. Very nice young couple with two small children. Sassy was a little dreamboat! Flew right to me and cuddled my neck. Nibbled gentlely on my fingers, layed upside down in my arms. Very well socialized baby. Needs some work on stepping up and I went over that. She is now not eating her regular seed mix she was on with her two HF a day. They said since she has been home all she wants is handfeeding. I told them to up the handfeedings that she needs the nurishment and comfort of it after such an ordeal. We discussed pellet diets versus all seed. We went over veggies and fruits, rice, pasta beans etc. They had no idea. She is kept in a very large flight cage in thier kitchen. I asked if they knew about teflon and non stick, candles and air freshners and cleaning supplies. No idea! Thier eyes got like big saucers. I told them about avocado, onions, chocolate, caffienne. I gave them links to toxic plants and items to parrots. They listened very carefully and were extremely concerned about things I mentioned.
I clipped her nails and examined her wings. No blood feathers. We discussed pros and cons of clipping the wings and her age, mental and physical wellbeing. I told them that I thought it was best to holdoff on the clipping. That baby greys can be a little clumsy and she needed to build up her body muscle, coordination and strength. It took a little convincing but they agreed to hold off. I told them I would do it at a later date if they wanted. We discussed her cage location, kitchen and right next to the back door. I told them about hanging a curtain at the back door, to deter Sassy. I said they have to be deligent in being aware to her location at all times. We discussed the pitbull and lab having free reign while the bird is out and all the dangers that go with it.
I truely feel that they listened and learned alot today. We exchanged email addresses and I will pass on the link to the forum. All in all it was a good visit and Sassy was an absolute princess!​

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