Lorikeet biting


Aug 20, 2023
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I have a young lorikeet, about twelve weeks old and he likes to grip things in his beak, including hands parts of the face. He usually doesn't bite, he just likes to have something in his beak. Every now and then when he is bored or restless though, he nips a bit. Should i stop him from griping in case it gets worse and if so how do i stop him?
I too would like to know the answer to this

Lorikeets are nippy birds and that’s how they play from what I’ve read and seen in videos
How old is the Lory? as babies they are going through a developmental stage, thats how they feel and explore. need to teach them early on when its too hard or when to stop through positive reinforcement.

there is a difference between the bird aggressively biting due to hormones or just nipping due to exploring/playing. either or can be mitigated with proper training and also making sure their environments are suited to help prevent laying of eggs, or aggression.

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