Looking to Adopt


New member
Aug 20, 2007
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I recently lost my baby girl. She was a beautiful white front amazon that I was fortunate enough to adopt 6 years ago. She had been bounced around from home to home and noone really knew how old she was or where she originally came from. My vet believed her to be about 20 years old and that her little heart just gave out on her. I know she didn't have the best life before I got her but while with me she was my little princess. I have 4 other birds (all adopted) and all treated like my children. They all miss her dearly especially my eclectus. He had one crazy crush on her. He is taking it the hardest and not eating well. I have been hand feeding him his favorite foods in the hope he will soon be back to his old self. If anyone knows of a little girl that needs a good, loving home and is not to expensive (I don't have much money) please let me know. I live in Florida and can travel within reason to pick up.
Hi and welcome to the forums !

You know there was a person some time ago, not to long who had a female white front amazon I think 2 years old, and wanted to give-sell her, very tame bird but with a screaming issue, maybe she would be more quite with other birds.

Ok here is the thread for you http://www.parrotforums.com/showthread.php?t=1454&page=2

but I think we made her angry and she has left the forum...
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Hi and welcome to the forums. We look forward to hearing all about your birds and seeing lots of pics. Well done to you for rescuing all your fids.

I'm so sorry for your loss. We do have a list of rescue centers on the forum, don't know if there is one from Florida. I'll have to go check.

Again I'm so sorry for your loss.
Thank you for your response. I got a call last night from a lady looking for a good home for her late husbands amazon. Meeting her tonight to pick up our new addition. I know she can't replace our Pepper but she will be a welcome additon to our family and she will be well loved. Looking forward to future discussions with new friends here. Thanks again
Congratulations to ya on your new addition. I look forward to seeing lots of pics of your flock. :D
Congrats for your new birdie!:D

What kind of amazon is that?

We are all expecting to see lots of pics...:D
Congrats on finding a great new addition. Can't wait to see some pictures. :D
Oh, this is fantabulous news Birdbrain!!! Congratulations, truly! Is she a she? What is her name? We most definitely need pictures ... we live for pictures! :D

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