Looking for options other than displacement


New member
Dec 28, 2013
Long story...here it is:
Husband and I married for four years with a 3 month old infant. He had the two conures before we got married for about 4 years. (A sun and a jenday- the sun was hand fed, jenday was a pet store bird). The jenday is aggressive with flying at people and biting to everyone but him. The sun was not aggressive but very shy and didn't want anything to do with me. This went on for our first two years together. They were noisy but not excessively so.

We moved to a new smaller house and suddenly the sun bonded with me and flies to me all the time. He obsessively hangs on the cage and flutters at me. He SCREAMS all day as soon as he sees me. He has also decided that my husband isn't so great anymore. I am at my wits end because I have a three month old baby who needs sleep during the day. I have basically sequestered myself to our bedroom for lack of any other solutions but this is no way to live and she is not getting proper amounts of sleep because of the constant noise in our house. Unfortunately, it is a small house (1000 sf). The birds are in the living room and that's the only place they can fit. I have tried sitting out the screaming fits and rewarding him with a treat but this is not going to work...I am afraid the pitch of his screaming will affect my daughter's hearing! I have tried leaving the room as soon as he starts screaming which is great....he quiets down, but immediately begins screaming again when I reenter. Now I cover them with a sheet but that doesn't seem very fair either, but for my own sanity it's all I've got. I don't want to get rid of them and husband doesn't' seem to even entertain this option anyways....Please please please help....I have no idea how to handle this and the situation is more difficult because I can't even enter the cage to move toys around etc. because the jenday wants to kill me! All I want is a peaceful home...I can handle the squawks here and there but nonstop is just not fair to anyone!
You raise a lot of concerns... If it were my baby, I too would be concerned about the intensity of the decibels being emitted, and the sensitive ears of a baby. The move was a big change. Sounds like the sun bonding with you is a reaction to the move. You can do one of two things, wait it out and see if the sun settles. It might be that because the new home is unfamiliar to them, they feel insecure and are letting you know. The second option and maybe you don't want to hear this but a rescue might be your only solution. Let's see what others have to say, but that's my opinion. Conures, are one of the loudest birds, especially if it's a sun conure and for you it's x2. What does your husband say/think?
I feel for you- believe me, I do. We currently live in a 400 sq ft ONE room apartment on my in-law's property. We have a toddler and used to have an amazon...nap time was difficult at times because if the wrong noise was made or someone knocked on the door it was full on Amazon SCREAMING.

So, I did things to cover up noises and cover up his screams if they happened- I had a box fan on high in the window next to the bed and turned the radio on semi-loudish...and it worked. Sometimes my son would sleep through the amazon screams- which was amazing IMO lol! But the fan and radio did a wonderful job of covering up unwanted noises that would wake up the kid otherwise. I also dim the lights which triggers "nap time" mode for the birds, and they settle down and preen or take a nap themselves.
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Have you tried target training your birds? I would try that. And then go to trick training. Trick training can make a lot of behavior problems go away
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Thanks for replies...are there any good books about target/trick training?

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