Looking for a CAG or Amazon


New member
Dec 23, 2019
I'm looking to add a feathered friend to our home. We live in NB Canada. I've had a Timnah and other birds years ago. I miss the antics and fun that a parrot can provide. I'm hoping to find someone in Atlantic Canada who is looking to rehome a bird so we can provide it a nice loving home.

Did the others pass away and if so, do you know from what cause? Not trying to pry open any sensitive topics, but just trying to make sure all bases are covered.
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Here's hope you find a Parrot that chooses your family!
The two species you are considering are two very different personalities. But share vast simulates. Both are very bright...

Thank you for considering a Rescue....

Welcome to the forums, thanks for joining! Respect for considering a rehomed parrot!
Welcome to the PFs, jclark65.

Good luck, hope you find what you are looking for. :)
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Thanks guys, I owned the birds over 25 yrs ago and have always wanted to get another parrot.
While you are searching, take a look for a Avian Professional. They can become very rare the further one is from major cities.

Vet care is important with Parrots and without such specialized care the results can be tragic.

If you do not have an Avian Specialist in your area, it is possible that you may have a Larger Animal (Farm) Vet. Check with them as most see the Avian members of a Farm as well.

Your Avian Professional can also be an excellent source for individuals who are looking to rehome their Parrots.
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While you are searching, take a look for a Avian Professional. They can become very rare the further one is from major cities.

Vet care is important with Parrots and without such specialized care the results can be tragic.

If you do not have an Avian Specialist in your area, it is possible that you may have a Larger Animal (Farm) Vet. Check with them as most see the Avian members of a Farm as well.

Your Avian Professional can also be and excellent source for individuals who are looking to rehome their Parrots.

Thanks for the great information. I surely will look into it. We have a flock of chickens and have had to deal with assorted health issues with them (successfully). I will makes some calls to vets in the area. Again thanks a bunch for the great idea.

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