Look What We Saw Yesterday!


Nov 16, 2011
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We went out for the day yesterday to a Shop that has large Areas of Woodland surrounding it.. There are many Peacocks walking around! As we walked towards one, he opened his feathers in full glory and slowly turned round and round as if to show us his complete beauty :)

Here is a pic of him.....


Wow...he was in love with you!!
LOL.. I have seen these Peacocks many times, but this is the first time that I have had one do this in front of me:) I wish I could have taken a Video of him showing off!
Very cool! Peacocks are such beautiful birds, I've always wanted to have a few but I don't want to keep them penned up but I know how much of a mess they will make if they are allowed free roam of the property :( My grandfather had some when I was a kid and I always loved watching them. That and Emu's, they always have them at the livestock auctions and I'm always sooo tempted! :54:
That would be awesome IW to have one of these strolling round your yard :)
Maybe, you just might give into the temptation to get one :)
We had wild ones in Hawaii where I lived. The first time I heard one scream right outside my window, it scared me half to death! It sounded like some monkey/cat hybrid howling, lol. Use to see babies all the time :( I miss that.. and hawaii. XD
I think I would miss Hawaii as well :) It is somewhere I have always wanted to go!
Oh my gosh, he's gorgeous! I loooove Peacocks! As silly as it sounds, they were my favorite part of going to the Philadelphia Zoo; they have a pair of Peacocks that roam the entire Zoo!
We had a pea hen, solo after the **** got away the first night. Their name in Spanish is Pavorreal, Royal Turkey. That small head tells you they're as dumb as a turkey. She ran free in our yard for a few years, until a far neighbor's dog nailed her.

It was quite a sight, seeing our next door neighbor at 3am, in her nightie, throwing things at that screaming, "F--ing bird" on her garage roof.
I think I would miss Hawaii as well :) It is somewhere I have always wanted to go!

Ditto! Unfortunately I can't go anytimr soon.We have a trip planned for Europe in a few years.I've never been out of the country and i'm soooooooo excited:) And beautiful peacock there's are farm around here that has them.
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Yes, peacocks are lovely, but living with one - especially if one has neighbors - can be quite an experience! When I was a kid one of my older brother's buddies folks got some for their farm, and the police got used to getting calls reporting "I heard a woman screaming - like she was being killed!!! Come quick!!" from their end of town!
LOL... I think if you had a Peacock you would need to live in the middle of nowhere with no surrounding neighbours :)
Oh look at all those cat toys. My kitty loves their feathers.
LOL.. I would think one of those big feathers would keep Kitty amused for hours! :)

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