Living with more than one parrot?


New member
Jun 14, 2013
Budgie, "Julie"
I've never had more than one bird at a time, and I am afraid for my budgie. I am afraid once I get the caique, I will not be able to spend as much time with my budgie, and she will be heartbroken. (I love her very much and it would devastate me for this to happen to her). How do you guys with all those birds manage to keep one from getting jealous? I would let them out at the same time, and closely supervise them, would that work? Thanks! (edit: i fostered a pair of U2's but they really didn't get jealous as they were a bonded pair)
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Don't let your Caique out at the same time as your Budgie. Budgie's are SO fragile, one snap from a grumpy caique and you'll lose her.

Only after a long time of bonding and things can you then begin to think about letting them interact. It's different with 'same species' interaction as they can pick fights and defend themselves better, but your little budgie won't have a chance against a caique beak!

It's all about diving your time fairly. Your budgie needs to know that she's still loved and you do that by making HER your priority. Birds need to be fed? Budgie first. Birds need to come out? Budgie first. etcetc.
Buy a friend for your budgie (another budgie). I have pair of cockatiels, I think they are happy to be together. Since I have my CAG I probably spend less time with them, but at list they have each other.
All my large guys mingle. I wouldn't be able to have a small tame human-needy parrot due to safety reasons.

Have you thought about getting your budgie girl a friend? They remain tame even with friends.

When I was a teenager I had 1 tame budgbudget and then a pair who became tame because of my tame boy. Eventually the pair had babies and they were all tame. Lots of fun. I do miss having budgies. They are probably the PERFECT bird. Colorful, variety of colors, funny personality, can group house in large cage with no issues, don't destroy toys quickly, cuddly, interactive. Such great great birds:)
If your budgie means that much to you, you should consider a bird that will get along with her.....such as a cockatiel....down the road they could be housed together as well.
If your budgie means that much to you, you should consider a bird that will get along with her.....such as a cockatiel....down the road they could be housed together as well.
I'd rather pick another budgie. The two species are very different, both in personality and size, and while it can definitely work out, there's also quite a chance it won't. Or that it'll work out for a while, I've heard way too many stories about budgies picking on cockatiels until the 'tiel won't take it anymore and hurts or kills the lil' budgie.
There's a way bigger chance that two bugies will get along, than a budgie and a cockatiel. :)
I'd say get another budgie too, unless you're dead set on another species. I've got a senegal and budgie's but my budgie's arn't as bonded to me like Merlin is.


My first budgie pair. Wonsy was the most wonderful little budgie I'd ever had, and having Bruce around didn't change that, just made her happier when I wasn't around! Her being as she was also means that Bruce is relaxed around me too. :)

I think that's the best setup, but I'm not the one getting it!

Having two species that can't intermingle is hard. I'm dreading Merlin and Charlie not getting along - we agreed that if they really don't after a while, we'll rehomed Charlie because I honestly don't have the energy to care for them both as separate entities. It is hard, demanding and can be real rotten on your 'first baby' as they won't understand.

It can be done, plenty do it here. But I can't do it. :)
If you decide to get the Caique, I strongly urge you to get your budgie tested for polyoma virus and any other disease your vet suggests testing for. Budgies are one of several species who can be carriers of deadly diseases and never become sick themselves. I know someone who quarantined an adult budgie she acquired for NINE MONTHS, then two weeks after she brought the little bird's cage into the bird room one of her birds started showing signs of illness. Within three days that bird died (at the vet) and two others were sick.

It is likely your budgie is fine, but you would feel awful if not and a new bird suffered.

It is hard work keeping lots of birds. They don't always get the same amount of attention. But some don't want much hands on time, and some can better entertain themselves than others can. I do the best I can, hoping that the benefits of living with companions outweighs the lack of human interaction.
If you decide to get the Caique, I strongly urge you to get your budgie tested for polyoma virus and any other disease your vet suggests testing for. Budgies are one of several species who can be carriers of deadly diseases and never become sick themselves. I know someone who quarantined an adult budgie she acquired for NINE MONTHS, then two weeks after she brought the little bird's cage into the bird room one of her birds started showing signs of illness. Within three days that bird died (at the vet) and two others were sick.

It is likely your budgie is fine, but you would feel awful if not and a new bird suffered.

It is hard work keeping lots of birds. They don't always get the same amount of attention. But some don't want much hands on time, and some can better entertain themselves than others can. I do the best I can, hoping that the benefits of living with companions outweighs the lack of human interaction.

We quarantined Merlin to stop him giving anything to my budgies. He was away from my budgie's for 6 weeks. It's only since AFTER getting Merlin through that did we even think the budgie's could have given something to him!

All our birds have chronic problems or disabilities (except Charlie, he's like wonderbird compared to my guys). Nothing contagious, but it's better to be safe than sorry! It's why I was so upset when we screwed quarantine with Charlie.

We did realise though when bringing him home that we had to protect Charlie from anything too. :)

I hope whatever you decide Wings, that it goes well. I'm happy you've asked so many questions about breeds and stuff - but why was this one left till last!
I'm happy you've asked so many questions about breeds and stuff - but why was this one left till last!

This is an incredible point, for me in particular. There are so many bird species I would love to own, but after months of deliberation I know in my heart of hearts that if I ever get another bird it will have to be another Poi, particularly a Senegal. I just am not willing to risk Kippy's happiness and well-being because of my desire to have a "third wheel." I was already lucky enough to get a fabulous "Wing Man" and I will have to be content.
When I brought Kenji home, and also now that he is settled in and likes me, I have to always watch Rosie. I now know she gets her feelings hurt easily, If I come into my room and say hello to Kenji first she refuses to even look at me. If I try to reach in and ask her to step up or pet her she will nail my hand painfully.

I've set up a good routine with her, I ALWAYS say hello to Rosie first, and she also gets treats first. Something else that makes a big difference is trick training, But I was incredible busy at one point and was unable to trick train Rosie for a week. She was angry with me, starting biting me and refusing to come out. I started trick training again and she forgave me after a few days. In normal situations a week without trick training would be fine, but now that I have Kenji she won't allow that.

Rosie still gets mad sometimes, especially when other people come in and say hello to Kenji first and it hurts Rosie's feelings. It's been a bit of a roller coaster with Rosie recently, but I think a she is finally starting to calm down and get used to living with another bird. Kenji himself she doesn't care about, just the people who interact with him.

Our birds me let us get away with a lot of mistakes, but sometimes we just go two far whether it's a big or small. I think if your just aware of your budgies feelings, and will give him his attention you'll do great. Have you thought of doing trick training with your budgie? That's a great interactive thing to do so be doesn't feel left out.
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My budgie s angry with me for clotting some blood (restrained her), and now she won't let me pet her...but she still comes out of the cage and sits on my finger, chirps, cuddles etc... but trick training will be a must :)
I think the key to multiple birds is to make sure you give each of them equal time. As long as you love them, care for them and spend time with each of them, I think they will be fine. I do think getting your budgie a companion would not be a bad idea. Something to think about anyway!

I think Quincy really likes having Savannah's company and vice versa. When we are not home, he still has a flock member to keep him company. I think he has been happier for it!
Two birds are my limit. In my case when I had more then one bird as a child you must divide your time with them. Also allowing a bird to learn to entertain itself with toys and forage helps out.
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Okay, that makes sense! Thanks

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