Linnie taming


New member
Sep 30, 2013
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Alaska, USA
Kiwi : Indian Ringneck Parrot RIP, taken far too young, Mango : Lovebird, 5 years old 2014, Sprite : Pineapple green cheek, <1 2014
I hope this is the right place!

I own 2 Linnie's as of today. They're not very tamed and I'm looking for ways to tame them. But I also have a few questions.
First off, I'm trying to stick train them, what is that exactly? Just get them to stand and stay on a stick, or just stand on a stick? They, for the most part, are easy to get on a stick, but otherwise don't tend to stay on it.
I'm also wondering, if I get them friendly enough to land on me and such, would they be calm enough to sit and stay, or would they fly around and be cute and such? They're very pretty, and I don't expect them to be calm, but being able to have them comfortable to land on me and eat my food would be cute.
I would like to hand train them, but they're pretty afraid of my hand. But if I bring them to my face (like on a stick) then they will lick my nose, and not seem to register it as apart of 'me', the big scary thing
Oh and if I have them a nest box do you think they'd start nesting? I do plan on breeding (I've bred goats, chickens, pigeons, and ducks, and have kaytee exact on hand) but I've also heard they only breed during a certain time of year. Could I mimic it to get them to nest? I mean, I don't need them to breed anytime now, but... The pigeons were brats and didnt nest this summer, and all my goats and baby chickens are grown.... I have a baby crave I feel the need to solve it... Lol
Thanks, I'm not too new to parrots, but new to taming them, lol. My last parrots were cockatiels (are they considered parrots or are cockatiels a completely different thing?) and they were NOT nice, and were both girls.

Thank you! :yellow1: :whiteblue:
Linnies actually often stay tame, even breeding ones. From what I've read they can become sexually mature at 5/6 months, though I wouldn't breed them before they were a year.
That's something I haven't heard. Still, you should not count on them remaining tame even if they are already tame before breeding. In that way, if they don't remain tame, you would have expected it. If they do remain tame, that's great!

Do you have experience in hand feeding or can you get experience in hand feeding? Whether or not you plan to allow the parents to raise the chicks, it's a good idea to have knowledge of how to hand feed should the need or desire ever arise.

As far as cockatiels, they are parrots. They are not a part of the "true parrot" family, since they are the smallest member of the cockatoo family, but they are still part of the Psittaciformes order. (which breaks down into 3 super families - cockatoos, true parrots and NZ parrots)
Thanks for the link.

They are 1 1/2 years. Unrelated, the person I got them from had 6, unrelated pairs, and they each came from a different pair. Chatter-y birds they are, I got on the phone and they decided that'd be the *perfect* time to serenade each other. Lol.
And no, I didn't expect them to remain tame.
I've hand-fed a pigeon before. But I'd imagine hand-feeding a pigeon would be different then hand-feeding a parrot.
The lady I got them from would be able to tell me everything if it did come down to hand-feeding, and I'm sure she would even take the parrot in if needed. And I am setup to have a baby bird - heat pad, kaytee exact, syringe (if I can feed it the same way as a pigeon)

Thanks :grey:
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For what it's worth everyone that I've known or heard of that stayed tame were pets first.
Yes, feeding pigeons is not the same as a parrot!

If you do end up breeding, it's great that you have the person you bought the birds from as a fall back for any help, should the need arise! That, along with an avian vet and the supplies, and you may do fine!
Yeah I'm glad I have backup.

Just for some extra info : do you think I get could the Linnie's 'in the mood' anytime soon, or will I be waiting several months before I have any babies? The lady I got them from says they tend to breed in may, and she hasn't been able to get them to breed any other time of the year.
Any ideas why or ways to get them to breed during other times? I'm fine with them not breeding any time soon - the female is such a sweet heart - just wondering.
Thanks :white1:

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