Letting Mango Go


New member
Apr 12, 2016
Northern Illinois, USA
Bo - DYH ~ Gus - CAG ~ Twitch - Linnie ~ Apple - Pineapple GCC ~ Goliath - Quaker ~ Squish - Peach face Lovebird
So, I think I've changed my mind about Mango. He really is a wonderful bird. He has a few cage aggression issues to work through, but once he is out of his cage, I would feel comfortable handing him to anyone. He is almost too good for me.

I decided this because Mango will have not problem finding a good family, and he is truly a family bird. My wife and daughter like him, but they aren't really that into birds, so they don't care much if they can handle them or not. I would rather be a transition foster home for a "good" bird like Mango, and leave room to be a "last stop" for another special needs bird. I already have my "pet" in the pretty chicken.

I hope this makes sense. I don't want it to seem like I am just throwing Mango out, but like I said, he is a good bird that can find a good family pretty easily. Anyone would give Mango a home, I want to give a home to a bird that no one wants. Every bird deserves a good forever home.

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