My Sun Conure named Putter is 19. He looks great. Behaves as he always has. He had not been to the vet for many years. I figured wing clipping and a look over we'd be good to go. The vet said, 19, wow that's old for a Sun. Really, when I got him as a baby his feathers all green, no bright colors yet, the lifespan I found online back then said 40 years! I figured we'd cross the finish line on this Earth about the same time. Sadly, the vet found Putter is under-weight at 95 grams (normal I was told is 100-120 or so). The vet said Putter's wing muscles have wasted away. He sternum is sharp to the touch. But he looks so normal I said. Yep, the vet says they don't reveal their illness because of predators in the wild. Sun Conures do their best to disguise they're vulnerable due to illness. For $230 lab work I will find out Tuesday what's wrong with him. Could be end-of-life organ failure or just not enough Vitamin D in his diet due to lack of sunlight (replace with UV light is an option), so is a cuddle bone (which he normally had until a couple of months ago), or eggshells in scrambled eggs (we're trying that.) The possibility of him passing soon saddens me. As I looked for the experience of others while I await his lab results there are some things that give me hope. Somewhere I read that a move can stress a Sun Conure. We did that two months ago. Also, those plug-in air fresheners can make Sun Conures sick even kill them. Since this place is new and never lived in there was kind of that new construction smell I wanted to cover-up. The plug-in air freshener went immediately. And we're returning to Harrison's. We've used them on and off regularly for his whole life. When he was young that's all he got. His then vet (years ago) said his enzymes were elevated. Harrison's only diet would do that. He is an avian specialist. He said no more than 50% the rest should be regular food like cereals, dark green vegetables, nuts, a little fruit. So maybe Putter is at the end of the trail sooner than I was led to believe but he is living longer than most, or maybe this is just a scary bump in the road and we caught a problem we can fix and we'll have another 20 years together.