Leaving conure in the cage advice


New member
Jan 27, 2024
Utah, USA
Beakley (GCC)

I'm a new bird owner with a 7 month green cheek conure. For now, I only have one cage for her, which is in it's own room. This is where she sleeps so we picked a quiet room for when she goes to bed.

I know she can get lonely so I try to take her out as much as I can. Thankfully, I work from home so it's easy to take her out from time to time. But she is a noisy, bitey, destructive beast and needs constant attention to keep her from chewing on headsets and cords and such.

So she has to chill out in her cage until I'm free to watch her. Is it okay to leave her alone with her toys and chop for extended times throughout the day? I do use one of these breaks to turn on the UV light so she can bath in her own glory lol. But yeah, am I doing things ok? What else can I do to help her not feel lonely? Thank you!
Parrots in general do better when they are in the thick of daily family life. You may want to invest in a smaller 'daytime' cage or a large play stand, where she can be with you as you work.

I'm a new bird owner with a 7 month green cheek conure. For now, I only have one cage for her, which is in it's own room. This is where she sleeps so we picked a quiet room for when she goes to bed.

I know she can get lonely so I try to take her out as much as I can. Thankfully, I work from home so it's easy to take her out from time to time. But she is a noisy, bitey, destructive beast and needs constant attention to keep her from chewing on headsets and cords and such.

So she has to chill out in her cage until I'm free to watch her. Is it okay to leave her alone with her toys and chop for extended times throughout the day? I do use one of these breaks to turn on the UV light so she can bath in her own glory lol. But yeah, am I doing things ok? What else can I do to help her not feel lonely? Thank you!
I wouldn’t recommend that. Parrots are extremely social animals and need lots of time out of their cage. I would recommend shredding and foraging toys to keep your parrot busy and keep them from chewing things they aren’t supposed to. I would also say you should move the cage somewhere where you are near your parrot or get a tree stand to put near you when you work. This way you can spend time with your parrot while you work. Good luck!
Since you've got a single bird I also recommend a cage in the living room or with you in your office. If your goal having a bird room is for quiet nights, you can put a smaller "sleep cage" in the bird room and have your GCC's larger primary cage somewhere with higher foot traffic by you and other people in the house during the day so they don't get lonely.

Bird rooms aren't a bad idea per se but I tend to think of bird rooms/aviaries as being appropriate for flocks of birds, rather than single birds. For a single bird you are their flock so they should be near you all day even if they're in the cage.

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