laying on her perch???


New member
Jul 23, 2013
Ayla, Jondalar (tiels), Lucy ( BG macaw), Phoenix (Camilla macaw), n Gizmo, Annie (Goffin toos)
Hi. My B&G macaw likes to lay on her perch at times when she's sleepy. Is this normal? Should I buy a shelf and pad it so she's comfy? She just turned 1 the end of last month and is healthy, playful, and eats very well.
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Ok, thank you cooperarabian! :)
That must look cute! These birds!... they can balance themselves very well on very little space, huh! One bird I used to have, loved sleeping in a tent I made him. I took a small clean hand towel and sewed the ends together and then slipped it over a perch. I fastened one end of it shut too. He would take daytime naps in it. Sometimes he would take a toy into it and then we'd hear him complaining because he was trying to get comfortable, but the toy was in the way, lol.
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That's too cute LoryLover! Ya, I love watching Lucy lay there lol. She's a little wobbly at times though so I think I'll be getting her a shelf and put padding on it with a cover over that. Idk, we'll see what I can come up with.

Did it kind of look like this?

This was when Fargo was 11 months old, and i looked at him in his cage, and he was just lying like this, well sort of squatting... Was very strange :p Of course i thought he was sick or something ;)

So, i got him a hammock, which he loves! Fargo spends most of his time being upside down, rolling around in my arms.. so of course he was going to love it!

He now has this little habit, if he is in his cage, and has been in there for a while, and i walk through the door, and just stop and watch him, he jumps on the hammock, and rocks back forth HAHAHA My brother doesnt even like birds, and i showed him Fargo rocking one day and he thought it was hilarious

I saw him playing with a toy upside down one day, quickly got the camera and was heartbroken when my battery went flat after 5 seconds -_-
[ame=""]Fargo on his hammock - YouTube[/ame]
and just another one of him just lying there
[ame=""]fargo on his hammock - YouTube[/ame]

So yes, definitely try a hammock!
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Too cute Tab! I'll probably get a hammock too. Lol I tried getting a pic of Lucy laying down but she jumps up every time and play attacks me. Lol she thinks she's all big and bad now cuz she scared my aunt. She'll even growl doing it somitimes! Lol

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