Latex toys?


Active member
Jul 27, 2010
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Beckley, WV
Merlin a Red Crowned Amazon
I found a bunch of toys @ Big Lots today. They were mostly for smaller birds but I found I rawhide/golf ball toy for Merlin. :) There were some cute looking toys made of latex. I carried one around the store & noticed an odor. I put it back, it didn't feel right. Wonder if latex is a safe toy material for birds?

If you have a conure sized bird & have a Big Lots, you should check it out. Most were $2-3. They had a lot of wood, rawhide, wicker toys. The latex was kind of cool, but I just wasn't sure.
Thank you. Those look really cool. Perches are a touchy subject here, Merlin freaks if we change the position. I would like to try those.
My pleasure :).

Merlin freaks out because you've done the best for him :D. Maybe he is scared because he thinks that mommy will mess the whole thing up :p.

I'm thinking about getting one as well. I think they are comfortable for their feet :).
We used to use those latex perches all of the time for our birds when I worked at petsmart, they are really neat because you can bend them any which way you want and the birds really seemed to like them. The only word of caution I can give you though, any of the bigger birds(anything larger than a budgie) destroyed them pretty quickly, they loved to just rip them to shreds, and once they start getting big chunks taken out of them it seemed like they were impossible to get really clean since all of those little nooks and crannies seemed like a perfect bacteria trap so I always replaced them once they started showing signs of wear. And if I remember correctly, they weren't exactly cheap so having to constantly replace them on your own dime could get pretty expensive unless you can get a good sale price on them. Fortunately, at the store I just wrote them off in our "store use" book, so the price didn't really concern me, much to the dismay of the management... :54:
I got some toys at big lots not long ago too. Couple leather ones, a swing, a pinata, etc. Gotta love cheap toys! :)
I WOULDN'T BUY ANYTHING FROM BIG LOTS! My green cheek died from a pizza stone from there. We were cooking pizza one night and noticed the pizza stone had an ODOR! 3 hours later we found our little buddy dead! He was perfectly fine, vet checks, the whole 9 yards! After, we talked to a pampered chef lady who said they import everything from china, and sometimes with hazardus chemicals! Please don't get your toys at big lots!

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